Saturday 23 April 2016

Simply DIY Fresh & Light Food

I am very sure that I don’t have a talent for cooking; my mother isn't a great cook, either. (Ha-ha, am just telling the truth!). Because of that, I assume that not everyone could cook well. But watching great and handsome chefs such as Jamie Oliva and Curtis Stone dealing with all the ingredients can be very enjoyable.
Jamie Oliver
Many years ago I bought my first English culinary book “Jamie's 30-Minute Meals”, he and his cuisine are very creative. He grew up cooking; his parents run a pub when he was a child. Now he even has a professional team to study the recipe, which puts emphasis on food nutrition and makes cooking simply for the public. I like the idea that he teaches us how to turn the leftover into another dish. Wasting food is guilty!!
Find Jamie Oliver’s recipes here:

Take Home Chef-Curtis Stone
Having a chance to be invited by Curtis Stone to take him home and cook together or do the cooking under his instructions, that is definitely too exciting. I cannot believe all the participants can learn cooking well facing his smile and with his fun talks. But I like to see prentices getting nervous about involving the artist work. Again, cooking is never so easy!!! I can’t remember all the steps of a great dish no matter how many times I have seen…

Last week, I joined a culinary class, which teaches people how to make a nutritious sandwich in the coming hot summer. It would be suitable for those who don't want to get in a lot of trouble, like me.

I didn't pencil down any note because it seemed to really easy and quick to complete. And I don't need to make bread, dice, chop, shred, or peel anything, the ingredients are already there, and all I have to do is beautifully put them on the surface of the slice of toast, and sequentially add meat, vegetables(onions, tomatos...), various kinds of home-made salad dressing.

Finally, it is about the added-value issue, isn’t it? So just go grill these elements in order to combine them together with a wonderful checkered pattern. Then done and enjoy! This is really a culinary class for beginners to have some fun!

🍵我很確定我沒有烹飪天賦;我母親也不是一個好廚師。(哈哈,我只是說實話!)。因此,我認為不是每個人都能作手好菜。但是看著像Jamie OlivaCurtis Stone這樣優秀而英俊的廚師處理所有食材真的會非常愉快。

很多年前,我買了我的第一本英文烹飪書“Jamie's 30-Minute Meals”,他和他的菜很有創意。他從小就做飯;他的父母在他還是個孩子的時候經營一家酒吧。現在他甚至有一個專業的團隊來研究配方,著重在食物營養上,簡單地為公眾烹飪。我喜歡他教我們如何把剩下的菜變成另一道菜的想法。浪費食物是有罪的!!
在這裡找到Jamie Oliver的食譜:


🍤把帥哥廚師帶回家 - 柯蒂斯斯通
有機會受到Curtis Stone的邀請帶他回家做飯或按照他的指示做飯,這絕對太令人興奮了。我簡直無法相信所有參與者都可以經由他的微笑和有趣的談話來學習烹飪。但我喜歡看到學徒對涉獵如藝術般的作品感到緊張的樣子。還有,烹飪從來都不是如此簡單!無論我見過多少次,我都記不起一道美食的所有步驟......





Sunday 3 April 2016

The first British Consulate at Takao, Kaohsiung in Taiwan

Kaohsiung is the biggest harbour city in Taiwan. It is constantly evolving so you can always see new skyscrapers constructing there, also the hot weather and heavy industry make the city more dynamic and energetic. Ship, boat, yacht and ferry can be seen along the wharf and are used as transportation tools.

The British Consulate was originally set up inside a ship named “Ternate” (living and working on a ship isn’t a bad idea but less personal privacy!). In 1876, they started to build the official residence on the hill, with a trail path linking to the office in foot of the hill and completed to open in 1879.

When I enter this site, the first sight jumping out to me is one of the British icons--the Red Royal Postbox, standing in the facade of the building. 

The Takao British Consulate has a fine view facing the harbour, and it is next to the customs to provide easy access for consular affairs and commercial trade.

Walking inside the building, the red-brick building was reconstructed with a wooden, arched veranda in 1900, which was designed as a venue for receiving diplomatic envoys and guests.
I suppose that they once tried to cultivate some roses in the backyard to have a small British garden, but the weather in Kaohsiung is really too hot to keep such delicate flowers.

Not only has the British-style souvenir shop there, but it also offers British afternoon tea in the teahouse named Rose House upstairs (It was packed! no seats for me...).

See! those British afternoon tea utensils are there
Anyway, there is a great sense of history here, ranging from the unique British style buildings around the Takao harbour to the memorabilia displayed in the exhibition room.

If it is not enough, I would suggest get a ticket to have a flagship Journey -“Swinhoe Adventure” following Takao's first Consul - Robert Swinhoe's footsteps to recall the past!

 See more: