Thursday 8 February 2018

Snow falls on Taiwan's Mountains ⛄

When I returned to the UK from Portugal, the first stop I arrived is Manchester where was raining and snowing. York was snowing this Monday and Thursday, too. Meanwhile, Taiwan is also in the winter season, and heavy snow has fallen on Taiwan's mountains since this cold week.
(photo by Victor Huang)
A Taiwanese friend, a career photographer working for a Taiwan NGO that engages in fostering Taiwan's international relationship, just seized the right moment to get a good shot and shared these photos with me.
(photo by Victor Huang)

Taiping Mountain (Taipingshan) locates in the northern Taiwan, the elevation ranges from 300-2,500 meters and hence the relative high humidity has brought about the winter snowfall.
(photo by Victor Huang)
With its rich and diverse natural resources, including hot spring, waterfalls, mountains and lakes and forests, Taiping Mountains displays its different beauty in four seasons. It is one of the best features of Formosa wonderful landscapes.
Mountain Lake in Summer (photo by Victor Huang)

Mountain leaves in snow Winter (photo by Victor Huang) 
Even for experienced drivers, Certain equipment and skills are needed for safe driving. Although the photographer has rent snow chains for the car, it was so exciting and adventurous when recalling the way to the Mountains, Victor mentioned.
(photo by Victor Huang)

(photo by Victor Huang)
Regrettably, it was not allowed to go exploring in deeper area of this mountain and roads would be closed later due to the heavy snow continuing to spread across the area. However, the most beautiful part of the mountain snow landscape has been recorded in the camera.
(photo by Victor Huang)

Visit Taipingshan National Forest (太平山國家森林遊樂區)
(photo by Victor Huang)

當我從葡萄牙回到英國的時候,我抵達的第一站是曼徹斯特,那裡正下著大雪。 約克這星期1 & 4也在下雪。 同時,過去一周裡,台灣山區也有大雪紛飛。 一位臺灣的朋友Victor Huang,平日在致力於加強臺灣國際關係的非政府組織工作的專業攝影師,剛好抓住了合適的時機,拍了好照片,並和我分享。

太平山位於台灣北部,海拔300-2500米,相對濕度高,所以冬季降雪。太平山擁有其溫泉,瀑布,山林,森林等豐富多樣的自然資源,在四季展現出不同的美麗 福爾摩莎美好山水的最佳特徵之一。

即使對於有經驗的駕駛人員來說,在雪地裡要安全駕駛也需要一定的設備和技能。 儘管攝影師為了安全駕駛已租用了防滑鏈,但回想起去山中的路途,是多麼令人興奮和冒險啊!

遺憾的是,由於積雪繼續蔓延該地區,因此不允許在較深的山區進行探險,道路可能在晚些時候會封閉。 然而,山地雪景中最美麗的部分(在見晴懷古步道地區)已被記錄在相機中。
(本文所有照片感謝由Victor Huang先生20170207分享提供)

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