Monday 5 February 2018

Portugal: A place for every gourmet (part 2)

Portugal: A place for every gourmet 🍮🍷
Many cities in Europe are featured of rich culture, beautiful scenery, and iconic landmarks; what is appealing to me most about visiting Portugal in late January is, partly because of finding warmth in the cooler month, and partly due to Portuguese tasty food I ever ate in Henri's Galley Restaurant in Macau – a former Portuguese colony (1557-1999).
Macau's Portuguese stylish building

starter: seafood soup

Pork legs with red beans (I like this)!

Portuguese dishes were imported into Macau under the colony era
👉From drinks, snacks to main meals, a gourmet is sometimes alone but her plate is never lonely…

🍮‘Pastéis de Nata’
First, the must-eat is to taste the tradition of the baking. (I have had enough of British Scone!) It is real Pasteis de Belem as the Macau’s one has been reformed into local style by the British Andrew Stow in 1989 with the recipe of less sweetness. Less sugar? Are you serious?
Macau's Lord Stow's original store

You can also purchase one in Macau's street stores
I ordered two ‘Pastéis de Nata’ (Custard Tarts) with one Latte in Pastéis de Belém, established in 1837, to be my breakfast in Lisbon.

It is full of local people and tour visitors.
Clean and flat pebble roads are everywhere in Portugal 

It seems that female guests like sweets more!
With traditional interior Portuguese decoration in such a state of great comfort or elegance, and reasonable price that ordinary people can afford it, these two eggs added 'proper' sugar (not over-sweetened) have given a zest to my morning energy! It really made my day! Definitely different to the Macau’s one.

Visit Pastéis de Belém:

🍒Sweet Cherry Liqueur: Ginja
The variety and quality of Portuguese wines is on the up in Western Europe; they invite many experts from worldwide to taste wine (you can read that from Portugal airline magazines). I drank a small cup of cherry liquor — typical Portuguese drink Ginja that originated in Lisbon while eating Portuguese roasted chicken for my lunch. 

It is really sweet but too strong to me (my mouth was almost paralyzed) as it is based upon a fortified wine that has been infused with Ginja cherries and mixed with lots of sugar. (didn’t finish that)! If you are a wine-lover, don’t miss the chance to visit Ginjinha Bar Lisbon when you travel Portugal.
🐔Roast chicken
My favourite food in this journey — Portuguese roast chicken, soft, crispy, delicious with fried chips, better than what I thought! I went to the most famous local store in Porto around 2pm, it was busy but it was worth waiting for. 

🍨Ice Cream in the winter
Thanks to the sunshine warmth, after a meal, I chose to taste ice cream in the winter afternoon. 

Surely, there are also many other choices such as 'Pastéisde Nata' and many unknown sweet baked goods which can provide you enjoy a relaxed afternoon. Also, the big local supermarket such as Jumbo has a variety of seafood products, including seafood snacks.

By the way, I cannot quit having 'chips' (British call it 'potato crisps') even travelling in Portugal! (continuing...)



首先,必須去嚐嚐葡式蛋撻--烘烤的傳統。(我已經吃夠了英國的烤餅!) 這是真正的葡式蛋撻,因為澳門葡式蛋撻在1989年被英國人Andrew Stow改造成了地方風格,而且甜度較低。(英國人將葡撻帶到澳門,改用英式奶黃餡並減少糖的用量,成為澳門著名的小吃). 少糖?你別鬧了!

我在Pastéis de Belém 1837年在里斯本成立的老店點了兩個'Pastéisde Nata'(蛋奶撻)加上一杯拿鐵做我的早餐,店內有傳統的葡萄牙室內裝飾,感受如此舒適或優雅的狀態,價格公道 (6.8 euros)並有兩個雞蛋和“適當”的糖(不會過甜)給了我早晨的精力,這一天真的因而美好!

甜櫻桃葡萄牙酒: Ginja
葡萄牙葡萄酒的品種和質量在西歐上揚中,他們邀請很多來自世界各地的許多專家品嚐葡萄酒(您可以從葡萄牙航空公司雜誌上讀到)。我喝了一小杯櫻桃酒 - 典型的葡萄牙飲料,配吃烤雞午餐。它很甜,但對我來說太濃烈了(我的嘴巴幾乎麻痺),因為它是基於一種加入了Ginja櫻桃和混合大量糖的強化酒(沒喝完)!如果您是葡萄酒愛好者,在葡萄牙旅行時不要錯過參觀Ginjinha Bar Lisbon的機會。


感謝陽光的溫暖,飯後,我選擇在冬天的下午品嚐冰淇淋。當然,還有很多其他的選擇如“PastéisdeNata”和許多未知的甜味烘焙食品,可享受一個輕鬆的下午。還有, 他們當地的大超市像Jumbo也有很多樣的海鮮食品包括海鮮零食。

順便一提,到了葡萄牙還是戒不掉薯片!! (continuing...)

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