Tuesday 7 June 2016

The World’s Most Magical Street and Valuable Lotus

It didn’t attract so much attention until Spanish Travel Website BoredPanda ranked this Taiwan country road on 15+ Of The World’s Most Magical Streets Shaded By Fowers and Trees” in 2015, the only one in Asian countries, even Japan’s cherry flowers didn’t surpass it! 
(Source: http://www.boredpanda.com/tree-flower-shaded-streets/#post10)
The Bombax ceiba path located at Baihe district, Tainan Taiwan now has become more popular than before, and tourists influx to witness these trees during the flower booming season, which is only about 2 weeks in every April though.

It is amazing to find the Bombax ceiba street ranked at the top 11 among the most 15, let me wonder that how the reporter discover the beautiful scenery? Have had he/she been here and personally seen the orange colour lighted up the street? 

In Baihe district, you can see it has still remained primitive villages in most areas.
Not so many high-rise buildings but farmers, trees, and different species of birds fill in this quiet place.
Except for Bombax ceiba, it is traditionally famous for its precious asset: lotus, which has been Baihe’s major economic crop for over 30 years. Its seeds and roots provide more than 20 tons of production, making its contributions in the consuming market. 
Lotus, coming out of the muddy waters without any spot, elegantly standing on the surface of the ponds and swing by summer wind, is often described as pristine, unstained and noble. 
That's why in the Buddhist world, Guanyin Bodhisattva loves lotus so much and sits on the lotus blossom.
Most importantly, every part of lotus has precious value. According to Chinese medical guidebooks, lotus seeds can cool down summer’s heat for your body, and its leaf can be used to wrap rice, prawn or other ingredients to combine all the food together, melting fresh herbal flavour into your every bite. Lotus, really graceful and wonderful, isn't it?