Sunday 3 July 2016

Summer Sand Art at the Beach

Sultry, sticky and humid, summer is definitely not my thing. Most people go to public library, shopping mall or movie theatre as an antidote for summer heat while some still like to spend vacation at the beach. 

I am not a sun worshipper but more like a culture or art fan, however, if there is a sand art festival at the beach, like Mashagou Beach, it can be an enchanting place to me. Yes, Here is Mashagou, a beach which you can escape from choky city life without leaving the city. 
The beach shines as the temperature rises, and you can completely soak up the sun here. Sitting down under a sun umbrella to see lovely couples, young guys, kids or families having fun at the beach, I kindda enjoy the blue colour from the sky, the outdoor chairs on the balcony of the leisure center, and umbrellas.
And the interesting sand art this year features many sculptures of famous celebrities: Taiwan’s first female president, the President of the People's Republic of China, Jeremy Lin, Chien-Ming Wang, etc. Amazing mockups! And I prefer the Greek myth--Poseidon.

After one-hour stay, I have to admit that the high temperature is still very very unendurable (its about 2:00pm-3:00pm); I almost burnt out my feet when I walked across the sand land only wearing my flip-flops! I really need a feet spa tonight!