Saturday 25 March 2017

Who lived at 221b Baker Street London NW1 6XE?

The answer is the great detective in the UK!
Today, I want to announce that I am the 207957876th visitor of the SHERLOCK HOLMESMUSEUM according to the information on my museum ticket(£15).

This address: 221b Baker Street London NW1 6XE is not only a permanent number, but also has symbolized by the residence of the greatest British detective.

The Baker Street is full of Sherlock Holmes ambience: the hotel, the restaurant, the unique statue in front of the tube station.

People all over the world form clubs and societies in his honour. 
His fans, including his good friend, assistant and sometimes flatmate —
Dr. Watson, are throughout the world.Also, his story attracts different age groups, some children write to him and ask for his detection, such as helping to find a lost watch. It pretty much like writing to a Santa Claus to ask for a gift.
Yet Sherlock Holmes is more real to me, he teaches me about the importance of the first-hand on-site observation, the ways he deduct and analyse what the gathered evidence, and the attitudes of ‘keeping calm and carrying on’ before solviing a case.


Although the SHERLOCK HOLMES MUSEUM is a small house with nostalgic stuffs, some story scenes are displayed for visitors to gain some inspirations.

You can also check the following Museum official website, and click the video part 0:41 you will hear that three people talk about “Taiwan”! Surprise!! 

Friday 17 March 2017

17 March is Saint Patrick's Day!

Today, 17 March, is Saint Patrick's Day!

I would like to shortly introduce Saint Patrick's Day in that I once did a presentation about this in American cultural class when I was in Taiwan. 
(website source: wikipedia)

It is a cultural and religious celebration for memorising the traditional death date of Saint Patrick: the foremost patron saint of Ireland. Nowadays many Irish diasporas in the US still remain this tradition and celebrate their Saint Patrick's Day.

How to celebrate this official Christian feast day if you are in the UK? Simply, going to an Irish pub and getting a drink, or wearing of green attire or shamrocks and joining the parade (if there is any in your city), then going to pub and getting a drink (ha) for Irish are quite famous for their passion for drinking. 

‘According to the national charity Alcohol Action Ireland, Ireland is one of 26 nations in the European Union with the highest alcohol consumption rates per capita. In fact, the Irish drink about 20% more than the average European.’

(Source: access dated: 17 March, 2017)

What else we need to know about this special date? Saint Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain and symbolise the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans. And if you ever watched the horror film, such as ‘The last exorcism’, the Father—the exorcist could call on ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’, which is so-called the Holy Trinity(以聖父,聖子,聖靈之名,即三位一體), with his powerful bible, cross and holy water to deter the demon.
(Website source: wikipedia)

Finally, tonight will be a very peaceful night.

Monday 13 March 2017

Ringing A bell for prayers-Chichester Cathdral Bell Tower

Last weekend, I was in Chichester - a graceful city in West Sussex. After getting off the train, I turned left and started to encounter the most intact Roman walls in the South of England. 

Passed by Bishop’s Palace Garden, 

the magnificent 900 year old Cathedral is standing there!
It is the last remaining city that has a Cathedral with a detached medieval bell tower.

Located in the city centre, the Novium Museum tells the story of the city and the place is built above the remains of a Roman Bathhouse.
This was once the Roam Bathhouse

On the opposite side of the museum is West street. In 1205, King John allowed shops to be built in the front of the Cathedral on West Street.

Along the shopping centre next to the Cathedral,

just a ten-minute walk, Priory Park is a place to relax or meditation.

Dotted with flowers everywhere, I not only enjoyed colourful flowers scenery in Chichester, but also truely experienced its unique historical heritages.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Indulge in Spring daffodils - Eastbourne Outing

Spring is changeable, I mean - the weather. It is a period of transition from gloomy coldness to sunny warmth; from outside hibernation to inside awakening.
Except for the groundhog, who comes up to tell you Spring is approaching?  I didn't hear any, while Spring is gradually arriving with a wonderful sign of daffodil blossoming.

A beautiful sunny day today, I headed for Eastbourne in the early morning, all the way I passed occasionally spotted with yellow daffodils.
More interesting on the way to Eastbourne is that there are some places’ names constitute the romance and happy expectation of the journey, such as:
-The Rose Walk (玫瑰漫步)
-Newheaven (新天堂)
-The Fair Way (公平之路)
-Paradise Park (天堂樂園)
-The Seaview Road (海景大道)

Now daffodils and Cherry blossoms are swinging in the pretty air with the breeze.
The old town area of Eastbourne has a maze-like Manor Garden with lovely yellow flower-bulbs inside. 

Is your spring coming?