Sunday 29 July 2018

Yorkshire Dales, Hawes, & Waterfall

Yes, York is a pretty and quiet place; however, having experienced many sunshine days with temperatures sometimes hitting 36C, hailstones and thunderstorms battered Yorkshire on Friday evening, 27 July. 

It happened before the total lunar eclipse, I am not clear whether there is a relationship between the falling of hailstones and a blood moon, but I certainly ever heard about a lunar eclipse will cause a werewolf to have a transformation. So Freaky Friday, I closed and locked my windows all night long. 
The next day, I knew the storm probably has not left, but I got prepared to see another ‘storm’—Hardraw Force, the Waterfall in North Yorkshire Dales National Park. 

To access it, the only one entry is to through a café, (please bring cash 2.5 pounds to get an entry ticket, cash only!!). It was raining so that the ground was quite slippery. It was really an adventurous trip during such a raining day! 

Hardraw Force is surrounded by forest and farmland, carved out by the River Ure, and is England’s largest single drop waterfall, a reputed 100 foot drop. 

A tree with lots of coins on the face!!!

Summer is ideal for hiking in national parks, although I went on a raining day; the nature scenery is fantastic and unforgettable! 

Yorkshire is not only home to the Lake District; it is also a county awash with waterfalls. 

More information for you:

是的,約克是一個美麗而安靜的地方; 然而,經歷了許多溫度有時會達到36度出太陽的日子,週五晚上,冰雹和雷暴襲擊了約克郡。

第二天,我知道風暴可能還沒有離開,但我準備好去看另一個'風暴' - Hardraw Force瀑布,北約克郡。要參訪它,唯一的入口是穿過1家咖啡館,(請帶現金2.5英鎊買入門券,僅限現金!!)。天正下雨,地面很滑。在這樣下雨的日子裡,這真是一次冒險之旅!

Hardraw Force被森林和農田所環繞,由Ure河雕刻而成,是英格蘭最大的單一瀑布, 100英尺揚名。 夏天是在國家公園徒步旅行的理想選擇,雖然我在下雨天去; 但自然風光是美妙而難忘的!

約克郡不僅是湖區的所在地。 它也是一個充斥著瀑布的縣。 更多信息:

Saturday 21 July 2018

Football didn't come home

Last week, France became the winner of 2018 FIFA World Cup for the second time in 20 years by beating Croatia 4-2 in the final in Moscow on Sunday. So finally 'football didn’t come home'—said this in a British way—as the history of football can be traced back to 1863, and began in England!!

After the football, people back to the streets to enjoy their regular weekend: shopping, street music, and drinking. Without football, passion and energy go on. Have a nice weekend!

上週, 法國成為2018FIFA世界杯的冠軍,週日在莫斯科以42擊敗克羅地西亞,這是20年來的第二次。所以最後足球沒有回家 - 用英國的方式說這個 - 因為足球的歷史可以追溯到1863年開始在英格蘭。

足球之後, 人們回到街頭享受他們經常的周末生活:購物,街頭音樂和飲酒。沒有足球,情和能量仍然存在。