Sunday 24 November 2019

Mindfulness before Black Friday 2019

Yesterday, I attended a mindfulness course, a small group of five female participants, learning how to develop resilience, focus on the present, deal with difficult emotions and develop emotional intelligence. The mentor was asking us ‘did you did anything new in the past two weeks?’ I then shared everyone with what I thought as the following:

We are entering the official Black Friday 2019 sales, which start on November 29. Therefore, I have received a lot of information encouraging me to do all your Christmas shopping. And I used to buy some decorations every year to give my room a new view of holiday vibes. However, I decided not to shop Christmas stuff this year; instead, I will put old Christmas ornaments on my window.

Leeds X'mas Market
The main reason is for green--environmental-friendly. And Christmas is not for shopping but for celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ. It is about love and peace, and people love to share love and gratitude by giving away gifts. It is not necessary to become a perfect excuse for a lot of shopping. However, in terms of the price, I agree that some people so shopping especially on this date because they can have better deals. They are smart shoppers rather than shopaholics.
Leeds X'mas Market

The mentor’s feedback is surely positive. She suggests that we look at the weather inside the mind and body instead of that from outside. To listen to your voices and concentrate on what you really want to achieve. For example, if your goal is health, then stop eating lots of sugar. In addition, learning new knowledge or skills, such as reading a new book, is also a good way to update emotions, which makes you feel like there is a different world out there worthy to explore.
Leeds X'mas Market
Leeds City Centre
Indeed, there are new changes that brought about good inspirations and creations. When I visited the University of Leeds last week, I noticed that they have introduced a smoke-free campus since 1 August 2019, and asked people to bring their own cups when the meeting offers coffee and tea.

And when I strolled around Leeds city, I tried to use the new skill I just learned from photographer Simon Palmour, and therefore, I found my photo world became rich.
University of Leeds
University of Leeds

So, have you done something new lately? Overcome inertia from inside and wear on a new mood for a new season.



導師的反饋肯定是積極的。她建議我們著眼於身心內部而不是外界,傾聽您的聲音並專注於您真正想要實現的目標。例如,如果您的目標是健康,那就停止吃很多糖。另外, 學習新知識或新技能(例如讀一本新書)也是更新情緒的一種好方法,這會讓您覺得有一個值得探索的不同世界。



Sunday 17 November 2019

Chester: A Black and White City

Visit Chester
If you need a short break or a city escape from industrial Manchester and Liverpool, Chester is a good choice. Just within a one-hour train distance, you can step into an ancient place, searching for an old soul.

My friend once told me that London or Manchester is an international city where attracts many tourists; however, she would prefer to live in England’s countryside or a small town—a place more suitable for life. She once visited York and told me that Chester is just like York, offering people a pretty and historical backdrop, relaxed vibes, easy walking paths for a perfect day out. Therefore, Chester becomes a must-see in my sightseeing lists. I checked the similarity between the two cities before my visit. 

Yes, similar to York, Chester is a city with the footsteps of Roman soldiers and a Viking invasion past. Both York and Chester were originally founded as a fort by the Romans. The small-town life where craftsmen and merchants came to live here and the trading model was gradually created by the fort.

Both the ancient city walls and the main river meandering along the city (the Ouse River in York; the River Dee in Chester) have helped to develop the sightseeing models in two cities: strolling through ancient walls and streets and taking cruise tours on the River. In addition, they both have an over 1000-year-old Cathedral standing up in the city centres and each has a designer outlet and racecourse on the outskirts.

When it comes to ‘the most’ in the Britain, according to England’s Heritage Cities (2019), ‘Chester has the most complete city walls, the oldest racecourse and the largest Roman Amphitheatre in Britain’; On the other hand, ‘York Minster is one of the world’s most magnificent cathedrals and, since the 7th century, it has been at the centre of Christianity in the north of England.’ (York Minster, 2019) They all put efforts to well reserve medieval architectures to offer you breathtaking views and unforgettable memories.

At first glance, you might think the two cities would be similar in a way. In fact, when I visited Chester, I felt a different atmosphere there, including people, shops, gardens, gardens and trees. I saw a pigeon house in Chester that I never saw in York; more local people walk on the city walls in Chester as part of their ordinary paths than York people do.

Although they share some similar features, the city landscape has shaped and evolved differently by human activities respectively. Take a walking tour of Chester city centre with a birdview from the famous Eastgate Clock--

there are more magnificent gothic-style houses that can be seen in Chester and its black & white buildings stand stylishly on the main street. 

I just participated in a photography workshop last week, in which photographer Simon Palmour introduced the idea of black & white to highlight personal portrait, historical building, the relationship between the city and people. Therefore, today I especially try to apply this idea to photos taken in Chester to present the uniqueness of the city.

如果您需要短暫休息或離開工業曼徹斯特和利物浦,請選擇切斯特。 在一小時的火車距離內,您便可以走進古老的地方,尋找古老的靈魂。

我的朋友曾經告訴我,倫敦或曼徹斯特是一個吸引許多遊客的國際城市,而她寧願住在英格蘭的鄉村或小鎮-一個更適合生活的地方。 她曾經參觀過約克市,並說Chester就像York,在一日遊中為人們提供美麗而歷史的背景,輕鬆的氛圍,輕鬆的步行道。 因此,Chester成為我的觀光名單中必看的景點,在訪問之前,我還查了一下兩個城市之間的相似性。

是的,與約克類似,Chester是一座有著羅馬士兵的足跡和過去維京人入侵的城市。 約克和切斯特最初都是由羅馬人建立了防禦堡壘,當時是小鎮生活的地方,工匠和商人來到這裡生活,從堡壘逐漸建立了貿易模式。

古老的城牆和蜿蜒在市中心的主要河流(約克的烏斯河;切斯特的迪河)都有助於開發兩個城市的觀光模式: 漫步在古老的城牆和街道上,以及乘船遊覽河。此外,他們倆在城市中都有一座擁有1000多年歷史的大教堂,甚至都在郊區設有折扣購物中心和賽馬場。

如果是提到英國之根據英國的《遺產城市》(Heritage Cities2019),在英國,切斯特擁有英國最完整的的古城牆,最古老的賽馬場和英國最大的羅馬露天劇場。在約克,約克大教堂是世界上最宏偉的大教堂之一,自公元7世紀以來,它一直是英格蘭北部基督教的中心。(約克大教堂,2019年)它們都保留了中世紀的建築,可提供您獲得無與倫比的景觀和難忘的回憶。

乍看之下,你可能會認為這兩個城市是相似的。實際上,當我去Chester時,我感到那裡的氣氛不同,包括人,商店,花園,甚至樹木。我看到了在York從未見過的鴿子屋。與約克人比較, 我看到更多的當地人把古城牆作為普通道路的一部分在上面行走。

儘管它們具有一些相似的特徵,但城市景觀在人類活動中已塑造和演變地分別不同。在Chester市中心徒步旅行,從Eastgate Clock鳥瞰,在Chester 可以看到更多宏偉的哥特式房屋,其黑白建築有特色地地屹立在主要街道上。

我上周剛參加了一個攝影工作,攝影師 Simon Palmour介紹了黑白圖像的概念。 在某些情況下,它可用於突出個人肖像,歷史建築,城市和人物關係。 因此,今天,我特別想應用在Chester 的照片來呈現這座城市的獨特之處。

Sunday 27 October 2019

Schär Gluten-Free Mix Univeral Flour Pizza 🍕

I started to adopt gluten-free food since I was diagnosed with eczema. It was a terrible experience lasting for three months until I turned my diet habit into veganism. The reason for causing this tricky disease is complex and unknown. When I recalled the time it happened to me, one possible reason can be identified at that time: the removal of wisdom teeth along with a weakened immune system (as I stop eating solid food and everyday Vitamins plus a poor diet). After one month, I flew back to the UK, it was about X'mas time, and I was just gradually able to chew some ordinary food. Eczema attacked me after one week, the first time in my life. I still remembered I thought it was simply a bedbug problem.

My skin inflammation firstly started with my shoulders and then went around arms, thighs, waist and ankles. What it looked like, please goggle the website as the skin conditions look horror and disgusting in pictures. I was so desperate at that time. I woke up in every midnight around 2 and 4 a.m. with endless itchy-scratching. Nightmares!! I consulted the NHS doctor and she suggested me Piriteze, and Boots pharmacist told me a good ointment without steroid ingredient; however, neither of them did help me anything. How about anti-itching lotions? I have tried several brands, they don’t really have the function to stop redness and the itchy feeling, no need to say any kind of sea salts. I even tried herbal things such as raw potato to put on my skin.

The itch was like an evil demon taking away my sleep and my energy. Due to long-term fatigue without a good sleep at night, I even changed my personality and appearance. At daytime, I tried to be a normal person; at nighttime, I woke up at 2 am and 4 or 5 am, finding myself scratching. I then had to pour cold water and a great of lotions on my skin to stop inflammation, and then tried to sleep and being wakening up again. It was only until I began my self-rescue searching knowledge from google and found a book to read: Radiant: Recipes to heal your skin from within to. I spent more than two months or so to have a self-recovery from Eczema.

I was seriously thinking about how I changed my diet while living in the UK since 2016. I have eaten a lot of wheat flour instead of a rice diet. I guess I don’t have a wheat gut, which supposedly only the European are born to have. This type of diet has directly to do with the coeliac disease, triggering skin allergy or diarrhea— known as a leaky gut syndrome.

I adopt a vegan diet and gluten-free food for a while, and I got self-recovery from eczema. I believe this kind of diet is helpful for certain people. However, after June, I began my fieldwork in many cities in the UK, I was unable to keep this diet strictly unless I lived in a proper place that enabled me to cook for myself. I have to eat bread sometimes for convenience while I was at work away from home. I normally tried to avoid consuming too much wheat, while this ingredient is very common everywhere. Some people may say the pressure may cause eczema; however, I have had totally recovered from this disease, and my experience told me that a proper diet can be a good treatment. 

Gluten-free diet does not mean you have to sacrifice good taste. Today, I made a gluten-free pizza, it is crispy and you can add the toppings whatever takes your fancy.
As this is the first time I use Schär Gluten-Free Mix Univeral Flour to make a pizza🍕.

Gluten-free Pizza Ingredients:
Schär Gluten-Free Mix Univeral Flour (some, 150-200g)
Doves Farm Quick Yeast (gluten-free) (1 tbsp)
Country Life Salted Butter (2 tbsp) heated it into liquid form/ coconut oil (2 tbsp)
Warm water (some)
Himalayan Salt (1 tbsp)
(extra plus spices 😊)
PS: Turmeric with black pepper can add its good function to anti-inflammation.
Neal’s Yard Wholefoods Ground Turmeric Powder (1 tbsp)
Black Pepper (1 tbsp)
Favourite toppings

I don’t particularly measure the amount of the ingredients above.
However, there is a simple rule: 200g with about 1 small tablespoon Quick Yeast. Remember to mix all the powders first, then butter, and gradually put some warm water, depending on how sticky it is. Make sure the dough is sticky enough and can be rolled into a ball. Then place it in a warm place and rest for 40 minutes. After that, put the dough into the pre-heat oven, baking for 5-8 minutes (200°C), then take it out to add on the toppings (with cheese). Put the pizza into the middle of the oven for another 15 minutes. Done!


我的皮膚發炎首先從我的肩膀開始,然後到胳膊,大腿,腰部和腳踝發散。 外觀是什麼樣,請瀏覽網站,因為皮膚狀況看起來很恐怖,令人作嘔。 我好絕望。我每天凌晨2, 4點左右醒來,不停地抓癢。噩夢!我已經諮詢過NHS醫生,她向我推薦了PiritezeBoots藥劑師告訴我一種不含類固醇成分的藥膏,他們倆都沒有幫助我。我嘗試過幾種品牌的乳液,實際上沒有阻止紅色和發癢區域的功能,無需說任何種類的海鹽。我甚至嘗試過草藥之類的事情,例如將生馬鈴薯放在皮膚上。

癢就像邪惡的惡魔奪走了我的睡眠和精力,由於長期疲倦,而晚上卻沒有良好的睡眠,我甚至改變了自己的性格和外表。 白天,我試圖做一個正常的人,晚上,我在凌晨2點,4點或5點醒來,發現自己抓撓身體,然後在皮膚上倒入冷水和大量乳液以阻止炎症,然後嘗試 睡覺,然後再次醒來。 直到我開始從Google進行自我救助搜索知識並找到一本書《容光煥發:食譜》,從內在治愈您的皮膚,然後閱讀。 我花了兩個多月左右的時間才從濕疹恢復自我。


一段時間以來,我採用純素食飲食和無麩質食物,並從濕疹中自我恢復。我相信這種飲食對某些人有幫助。但是,六月之後,我開始在英國的許多城市進行野外工作,除非我住在合適的地方為自己做飯,否則我無法嚴格遵守這種飲食習慣。在外工作時有時不得不因為方便而吃麵包。無論如何我通常嘗試避免食用過多的小麥,而這種成分在任何地方都很常見。 有人可能會說壓力可能導致濕疹。 但是,我已經從這種疾病中完全康復了,我的經驗告訴我,適當的飲食可以成為一種很好的治療方法。

Neal's Yard Wholefoods薑黃粉(1湯匙)

但是,有一個簡單的規則:200克約1小湯匙的速溶酵母。 切記先混合所有粉末,然後混合牛油,然後根據其稠度和鬆散度逐漸加一些溫水。 確保麵團足夠粘並且可以揉成團。 然後將其放在溫暖的地方,休息40分鐘。之後,放上配料及起司,烤箱預熱200,放入烤15-20分左右即可.