Saturday 17 August 2019

2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe 💃 snapshots videos

Following my last blogsnapshots of  2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe street art performances are here for you. 

2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe 💃

I am currently in magnificent Edinburgh this week. 

A thrilling experience to soak in 2019 Edinburgh International Festival which runs from 2-26 August 2019.

Edinburgh Festival Fringe, known as ‘Fringe’, is one of the largest arts festival in the world and 2019 is the 39th year to gather all these talented performers and shows.

It is said that some artists and performers were once rejected by Edinburgh International Festival organizer in the past, as a result, there were 8 art groups came to participate in Edinburgh International Festival without official invitations in 1947.

Therefore, a journalist started to use the term ‘fringe’ to imply that the performer is not an A-list celebrity or the show is not known within mainstream circles. However, the phenomenon has become gradually prevailing later on and more and more art groups added in the performing lists in the following years. 

Nowadays, during this period, thousands of performances and shows have been arranged in hundreds of venues, ranging from world-renowned shows to street art programmes. Free street performances are just on the High Street, and University of Edinburgh buildings also provide support for Fringe activities. As we can see George Square is one of the places to buy tickets for dramas and shows.

Thanks to my Taiwanese friend who is currently studying at the University of Edinburgh, offering her school accommodation to me where the location is near Prince street; therefore, I can easily access to all the diverse street music, art performances, and shows, just within walking distances every day. 

Different types of performances including music, musical, drama, opera, dance, visual art exhibitions, talks and workshops are from all over the world, so do the audience.

Taiwanese art performers have teamed up to join this great festival, offering 'Taiwan Season' shows. 

Taiwan Season Art Performances

2019 Edinburgh International Festival—has marked as one of my unforgettable and wonderful UK experience!



愛丁堡藝穗節 - 被稱為'Fringe'是世界上最大的藝術節,2019年是集合所有這些才藝表演者和表演的第39個年頭。

據說,過去有一些藝術家和表演者被愛丁堡國際藝術節組織者拒絕,結果,有一些藝術團體在1947年沒有受到正式邀請也來參加愛丁堡國際藝術節。因此,一名記者開始使用“邊緣” () 一詞意味著表演者不是一流的名人,或者在主流圈子中不知道這個表演。然而,這種現象逐漸盛行,最後許多藝術團體都加入了演出名單。


而我因為臺灣朋友在這裡念書的關係,就住在愛丁堡大學宿舍裡,離王子街很近, 所以能每天以走路距離內就欣賞到這些街頭藝術及表演.

