Saturday 7 September 2019

The Amazon wildfires

Two burning wildfires in the world have captured people’s attention in the past few months: the political wildfire--Hong Kong's anti-government protects started in June, and the wildfire in Brazil's Amazon rainforest happened in early August

Hong Kong, a former British colony, is struggling to retain its independent judicial Power under the ‘one country, two systems’. That deal aims to guarantee that Hong Kong's economic and political systems will not be changed for 50 years after the handover from British colonial rule to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997.

The continuing protests in Hong Kong are sparked by a highly controversial proposal to allow extraditions to mainland China, leading to further erosion of the city's judicial independence. This change came after a murder that happened in Taiwan, where a 19-year-old Hong Kong man allegedly killed his 20-year-old pregnant girlfriend when they spent holidays together in February 2018. This man eventually returned to Hong Kong last year.

Due to a lack of extradition treaty between Hong Kong and Taiwan, it is impossible for Taiwan to ask Hong Kong to extradite the man to face justice. Therefore, the Hong Kong governments sought to make changes that would have allowed for them to consider requests from any country including mainland China, Taiwan and Macau for extradition of criminal suspects.

However, Hong Kong's protests are mainly against proposals to allow extradition to mainland China — the fear of exposing Hongkongers to unfair trials and violent treatment. Huge fires were triggered and escalated during the protesting period because of clashes between police and protesters. The police force had become more frequent and more violent with tear gas, sticks, and even gunshot attacking people so that injuries on both sides have happened. The clash also expanded to overseas as we can see there was a conflict at the University of Queensland during a protest against Hong Kong’s controversial extradition law (The Guardian, 2019).

On the other hand, Brazil is home more than half the Amazon rainforest known as 'the lungs of the planet', the wildfires have also seen burning fire across the border in Bolivia, not only devastating tropical forest and savannah but taking and threatening wildlife animals. According to CNN (2019), ‘so far, it has been the biggest fire year since 2010.’

The reason for the wildfires is more complicated. Some claim this huge fire was resulted from the drought, some blame it was caused by human activities, including selective logging and surface wildfires. How bad is it? (BBC News, 2019) (also see CNN)

'The smoke is just here, it smells in the air, it is really thick...' said by an on-site reporter. 

Animals in the Amazon fire are hard to survival in terms of huge burning scopes and extremely high temperature.

Last week, I had a short stay in Manchester. Before my leaving, I saw the local organized a campaign calling for more respects, love and actions for our better living environments. As two of the logos have put it, ‘All THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE WILD AND FREE’, for this, 'NO ONE (SHOULD) LEFT BEHIND.'

(picture by Repost from @earthalliance, Pictame)


香港持續的抗議活動是由一項備受爭議的提案引發的, 其允許犯罪人士引渡到中國大陸,導致
該市的司法獨立進一步受到侵蝕。這一變化是發生在台灣發生的一起謀殺事件之後. 據稱,19



無論如何,香港的抗議活動主要是反對允許引渡到中國大陸的提議 - 害怕將香港人暴露在不


亞馬遜的野火也是如此!巴西擁有亞馬遜雨林的一半以上 -“我們地球的肺部” –野火也在
越過邊境在玻利維亞燃燒著, 不僅是毀滅性的熱帶森林和熱帶草原,而且還在繼續威脅野生動



有多糟糕? (點進去看英國廣播公司的新聞)(還有CNN新聞)



更多的尊重,愛和行動打造更好的生活環境。正如其中幾個標語 所說的那樣,'所有生命中最
好的事情就是原野和自由', 對此訴求 '沒有人應該置身其外'