Sunday 22 March 2020

Getting ready to fight for viruses

Getting ready to fight for viruses and being asked to prepare to die is a very strange experience.

Over these weeks, I have read so much bad news about Coronavirus, COVID-19, whatever it is, the outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019. How did the WHO respond to this issue? As Taiwan is not part of the WHO, people in Taiwan have to learn to take care of ourselves.
Summer is coming with hope if we cooperate together
However, this coronavirus was only confirmed as a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March; meanwhile, over ten thousand people with the virus in Italy were in intensive care. In fact, the global spread of this new coronavirus is not a huge surprise as we live in the globalization era. That is to say, we not only share capital and workforce but also diseases and fake news. 

Boris Johnson—the UK government, in the earlier anti-virus stage, has announced and its policy to fight the outbreak of the virus. This policy has been updating every day as the situation is getting worse. Also, he warned the British public to prepare to “lose loved ones before their time”, describing the threat of coronavirus as “the worst public health crisis for a generation”. Moreover, the UK’s chief scientific officer suggested that between 5,000 and 10,000 people in the UK could have the virus. 

Those over 70- year-old people are the most vulnerable group! BUT I believe no one can be free of this threat. As Boris Johnson claimed, “It’s not possible to stop everyone getting it and it’s also not desirable because you want some immunity in the population to protect ourselves in the future,”
Older Person's and Disabled Persons are supported by the local bus in Brighton and Hove to get to the shops early to buy essential supplies (Source: Brighton & Hove Bus Coach Company)
This statement sounded scary, right?! As there is no effective vaccine right now, the government decided to practice ‘Survival of the fittest’. So now, when I hear people surrounding me dry cough, I always pray for him/her, hoping they are able to recover soon. And I appreciate all the British people as they are so brave to face this threat without many complains and curses. As I know, if such a policy practiced in Taiwan, I can imagine that Taiwanese people and social media could raise a huge protest against the Taiwanese government. Luckily, Taiwan, due to the battle of 2003 SARS experience, now it is considered to be an example of successful coronavirus containment. 
Some supermarkets have arranged a particular time to prioritise NHS workers or elderly customers, disabled customers and carers to buy goods due to panic buying spree.  (Source: The Sun, 21 March)

I wish and pray for everyone in the UK, including me, let’s keep healthy to wait for the new Vaccine coming soon to the world. I know, the British are the fearless North and I wish I can be as brave as you guys.
Life will find and walk its way 



然而,311日,冠狀病毒才被世界衛生組織確認為大流行病了;同時,在義大利有將近萬人感染這種病毒。隨著我們生活在全球化時代,這種新型冠狀病毒在全球的傳播並不令人感到意外。也就是說, 我們不僅共享資金和勞動力,而且還共享假新聞和疾病。

英國政府Boris Johnson已宣布並更新了應對病毒爆發的政策。此外,他還警告英國公眾,要做好“失去親人的準備”,並將冠狀病毒的威脅描述為“當代最嚴重的公共衛生危機”。此外,英國首席科學官建議,英國有5,00010,000人可能感染該病毒。那些70歲以上的人是最脆弱的群體,但是沒有人能擺脫這種威脅。正如Boris Johnson所說:“不可能阻止所有人都得到它,這也不可取,因為您希望將來在人群中有一定的免疫力來保護自己,”

這句話聽起來很嚇人,對吧? 由於目前沒有有效的疫苗,政府早階段決定實行“適者生存”政策。 因此,現在,當我聽到周圍有人咳嗽時,我總是為他/她祈禱,希望他們能夠早日康復。 我感謝所有英國人民,因為他們勇於面對這一威脅,而沒有許多抱怨和詛咒。 據我了解,如果這樣的政策在台灣實行,我可以想像臺灣人民和社會媒體就可能對台灣政府提出大規模抗議。幸運地, 台灣由於2003年對抗SARS經驗之戰,現在被認為是成功遏制冠狀病毒的一個例子.

我希望並為包括我在內的英國所有人祈禱,讓我們保持健康,等待即將面世的新疫苗。 我知道,英國人是無所畏懼的北方,我希望我能像你們一樣勇敢。

(照片說明: 在英國Brighton & Hove地方公車特別安排弱勢族群去買他們需要的東西, 由於搶購狂潮也有一些大型超市像Tesco已經安排了特定的時間,優先給NHS工人或年長的顧客,殘障顧客和看護人購買商品。)