Monday 28 September 2020

My one bedroom flat in City Centre 🏠

I've been busy with furnishing my rented flat lately so that I haven't had time to write much.

As mentioned in my last blog, a lot of unfurnished properties to let near York City made me have not so many choices. And of course, there are pros and cons, which needed to consider in advance. Two main advantages if choose an unfurnished property: first, you can decorate your home on your own way. Second, the rental would be cheaper than that for a furnished one. 

I have a lot of ideas before I moved into my rental flat. However, I suggest only purchase basic kit until you move into your home. One mistake I have made is that I picked up unwanted and additional furniture just because it was cheap and then I found it occupied the space. Moreover, ‘what you imagine’ about your future home, in some cases, is different to ‘what you real feel’ after living.

Do remember! Letting a furnished property is typically suitable for more mobile tenants. Just keep looking for your ideal home and never try to furnish an empty flat unless you really enjoy decorating a house from replacing a bulb to seeking proper furniture, appliance, tools.

To avoid a great deal of expense and a complex re-movement (if I am not happy with my new flat, and it could happen), I mainly chose to buy used furniture from York Community Furniture Store Ltd, there are always some used affordable and new bed frame and mattress set to choose. I went there several times to search ideal items for my flat and staff are helpful and friendly. I also enjoyed my student discount, which they call it ‘concession’, and is nearly 80% of the sale price.

I also shopped a computer desk and some home items from Age UK York Furniture Shop, they offered smaller gadget, such as painting or decorations. Basically, if you are looking for large furniture, stores like York Community Furniture or Aladdins Cave - Second Hand Furniture York offer more choices. The latter one is more expensive, while it might because the cheaper and still new items are very popular and normally taken quickly by other customers. This phenomenon is just like ‘York’s property to rent’, which the demand is very often more than the supply.

When I mentioned that it was so struggling to find a good place for myself in York. The issue is not about the money but is about the soundproof for a good living quality. One of my friends responded that he quite understood it because many properties in York are quite old. For example, there is a good view facing city walls and York Minster from my living room; however, the traditional wooden window is unavoidably along with the traffic noise from outside the road. 

My flat has been nicely refurbished before I moved in as shown in the photos. 

After some efforts of furnishing my flat, I can call it home for a migrant now.  

My pet is from Brighton 

This is the view that is appealing to me regardless of traffic noise

My bedroom is very quiet at night for a good sleep

These two used furniture are 25 pounds(left) and 10 pounds (right) for each


就像我在上一個部落格中提到的那樣,靠約克市(York City)的許多傢俱的空屋使我沒有太多選擇。當然,它們有其優點和缺點,這需要事先考慮。如果您選擇未裝修的房屋,有兩個主要優點:首先,您可以按照自己的方式裝飾房屋。其次,房租比帶家具的房子要便宜。



為了避免大量開支和複雜的再次搬遷(如果我對自己的新公寓不滿意,這是可能發生的),我主要從York Community Furniture Store Ltd選擇購買二手家具,它們總是有一些二手讓人負擔得起的以及新的床架和床墊套可供選擇。我去了那裡幾次,尋找適合我的公寓的理想物品,工作人員樂於助人和友好。我還享受了學生折扣,他們稱之為優惠,幾乎是售價的80%。

我還從Age UK York Furniture Shop購買了電腦桌和一些家用物品,它們提供較小的小工具,例如繪畫或裝飾品。基本上,如果您正在尋找大型家具,York Community FurnitureAladdins Cave-Second Hand Furniture York這樣的商店都提供更多選擇。後者較貴,這可能是因為價格便宜且仍新穎的商品非常受歡迎,並且通常會被其他顧客迅速購買。這種現象就像約克出租的房屋一樣,需求通常超過供應。
