Sunday 29 November 2020

The reality of working from home (WFH)💻

Good news from the government, saying a vaccine against Covid-19 could be ready by Christmas, while it does not mean the coronavirus pandemic will magically all of a sudden go away. Working from home perhaps is an ongoing new lifestyle, which is encouraged by many companies and are welcomed by many people. 

(Source: YouGov Survey)

However, there were many people, including women and men, calling in to the Talk Radio Show to complain they miss their workplace and the commute time from work. A single woman working in the law field said that she felt lonely and alone WFH and missed the old days working with other colleagues in the office. Nevertheless, another male worker said the lack of the split between ‘economic’ and ‘social’ life drove him crazy. 

Mature capitalist societies are marked by a split between ‘work’ and ‘life’ spheres. It is actually a new historical development in the human society. When dating back to the era of traditional economy, the total work is organised by a peasant household with different roles assigned to different family members, such as mother for caring child and father for producing materials (Pain, et al., 2014).  

Although we are now living in modern economic society, many women still take more responsibility of house work; now women might be happier with WFM as they can work from home in a more flexible way to deal with both job duty and household chores; while men may be thus sometimes engage in these household chores so that they eager to back to their office to avoid feeling guilty for this still-existing-gender-inequality between career men and women. And space matters, as some people also complained that not every house is suitable for WFH, and many have to work in the kitchen as they don’t have a working space at home.

A survey conducted by Henley Centre (1994) reported that people in Britain spend nearly 40 per cent of their time on leisure than they do at work (only about 15 per cent in waged work). Now if you work from home, the time for work and leisure might has been mixed together. As a result, due to the work-life imbalanced, the people who called in to the Talk Show thus claimed that WFM has influenced their mental health.


Pain, R., Gough, J., Mowl, G., Barke, M., MacFarlene, R., & Fuller, D. (2014). Introducing social geographies. Routledge.

'I work from home, always' (source:Babe’s original film poster)






亨利中心(Henley Center,1994)進行的一項調查表明,英國人花在閒暇的時間是40%比花在工作上多(從事有薪工作僅花15%)。 現在,如果您在家工作,上班時間和休閒時間可能就混在一起。 結果,由於工作生活不平衡,call in到廣播談話性節目的他們都聲稱工作在家影響了他們的心理健康。


Friday 13 November 2020

A virtual tour of the magical Diagon Alley in Harry Potter: the Shambles street

England has joined other nations in Europe with a second nationwide lockdown starting in the early November and lasting at least four weeks. Prime minister Boris Johnson told Sky News, ‘We are going to review it on the 2nd of December’; he added, ‘There is a constant struggle and balance which the government has to take between lives and livelihoods’. 

Empty street during lockdown

As Christmas Is coming soon, this second lockdown is believed to be a good intention for the happy family reunion. Many stores are forced to close again, and customers are told to shop Christmas gifts earlier online because Royal Mail service has become slower than before during COVID-19 pandemic. 

X'mas lights are on

Many airlines have changed the way they run business; for example, Australia's Qantas offered "sightseeing" flights over Antarctica while an airline in Taiwan hosted ‘a flight to no-where’ on its Hello Kitty-themed plane. Thai Airways launched special flights that fly over 99 holy sites in Thailand, building on the "flights to nowhere" craze. I was also invited by Hurtigruten Cruise to have a ‘Deep Dive Into the Hurtigruten Onboard Experience’ on 20 November.

(Source: EVA Airways)

Although a vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech can prevent more than 90% of people from getting Covid-19, according to the news report, we have seen business is getting creative, people are changing the way they live. Most importantly, new skills have to be learnt in different occupations, especially the use of technology to fit peoples' entertainment needs. 

As such, I seize this second lockdown opportunity to film a virtual tour of Harry Potter- the Shambles street at York (the magical Diagon Alley in Harry Potter) in a chilly, raining and dark night. Fans now do not need to come over York, just imagine that Harry Potter with his invisible cloak is discovering his unknown adventure. 🌟

(Muggles who can’t go to the real Diagon Alley are welcomed to enjoy this video).


英格蘭已與歐洲其他國家一同在11月初開始了第二次全國封鎖,至少會持續四個星期。首相Boris Johnson告訴《天空新聞》:“我們將在122日對其進行檢視”;他補充說,“政府必須在生命和生計之間不斷進行掙扎並保持平衡”。 


許多航空公司已經改變了經營方式。例如,澳大利亞的澳航(Qantas)提供了在自己陸地的“觀光”航班,而台灣的一家航空公司以凱蒂貓(Hello Kitty)為主題的飛機上進行了“偽出國”。泰國航空以“偽出國”的熱潮為基礎,啟動了飛往泰國99個聖地的特殊航班。我還應Hurtigruten Cruise的邀請,於1120日參加了“深入了解Hurtigruten船上體驗”活動。 


因此,粉絲不用來York了,我抓住第二次封鎖的機會在一個寒冷,下雨和漆黑的夜晚拍攝了一支哈利波特虛擬影片-約克的肉舖街(=哈利波特神奇的斜角巷)。 想像哈利·波特披著隱形披風正在發掘他未知的冒險。
