Saturday 12 June 2021

Side effects after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination



The common side effects as the government website states,
‘Most side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are mild and should not last longer than a week, such as: a sore arm from the injection; feeling tired; a headache; feeling achy; feeling or being sick.’


However, my situation is I felt headache in the back side of head, like someone used rubber band hit me every 30 minutes, so I did not sleep well, and after several hours, my body lost temperature, but I touched my forehead, there was not a fever, I guessed all my body cells were concentrating in fighting the virus. In the very morning, my body was back to normal temperature.


Next day, I did not have any side effects except for my left arm - the place being injected the vaccine - feeling like a bee sting, and the pain have lasted for a week.


However, there is currently no ‘cure’ for COVID-19, unless we know what it actually is; therefore, vaccination has become the way to prevent Covid-19.

British summer begins on June, wanna go out to enjoy this beautiful season? Get your shots (vaccination)!💪


接種 COVID-19 疫苗後的副作用

據英國政府稱,英國已有超過 4000 萬人接種了第一劑 COVID-19 疫苗。

我於 2021 6 5 日下午 2 50 分至 3 點接種我的第一劑。

我的副作用發生在 8 小時後,我稱之為疫苗接種夜


COVID-19 疫苗的大多數副作用都是輕微的,持續時間不應超過一周,例如:注射後手臂酸痛;感覺累了;頭痛;感覺疼痛;感覺或生病”



但是,目前還沒有“治愈”COVID-19 的方法,除非我們知道它究竟是什麼; 因此,疫苗接種已成為預防 Covid-19 的方法。

英國的夏天從六月開始,想出去享受這個美麗的季節嗎? 去接種疫苗(接種疫苗)!