Saturday 28 August 2021

Walking in forests - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)

9 August, Alice was on her way in search of wonderland (actually, she did not know she was already there).

The first time, she run into ‘the Hatter’ on the way of adventures, he seemed to begin their conversation with ‘nice trousers’. As a courtesy, Alice relied, ‘thank you’ but then she started to talk about how she felt empty today because she encountered no one all the way.

After that, Alice and Mr Hatter have had some small talk. Mr Hatter nicely answered all the questions about how to find Wonderland. Later, Alice told him, ‘very nice to chat with you’, and he replied that ‘I enjoyed chatting with you too. What exciting things are you doing this evening?’

Alice shared with him some stories about March Hare and her plans about going to Wonderland; Mr Hatter commented that, ‘… a little bit crazy’. (Mt Hatter simply forgot the truth – ‘We are all mad here’!)

Another day, they met again, Mr Hatter continued to ask Alice about ‘Did you have any adventures in Wonderland today?’ When the conversation ended, Mr Hatter said: ‘I will dream of walking in forests.

“in the gardens of memory, in the palace of dreams, that is where you and I shall meet”
 the mad hatter


Sunday 8 August 2021

Alice is still in Wonderland: Breezy Knees Garden 🐰🍄⏰


All our gardens, streets and patches of sky are part of our own perception of the world. If, in our own modest back yards, we can help preserve and treasure our natural world, then we will make this planet a better place- not just for ourselves but for every living creature.

  My Garden World, by Monty Don

Is there anything limited in British summertime? It is definitely not beer or ice cream but annuals and perennials for flowers all summer long. And we must seize the precious opportunity to visit as many as we can. 

British horticulturist and writer Monty Don describes BreezyKnees Garden as ‘a beautiful modern garden created on the grandest possible scale’. Luckily it is located in Yorkshire, so I decided to visit it this week.   

I have always been obsessed by British gardens, and even more serious after reading the story 'Alice in Wonderland'. I took 843 Coastline bus from York city centre to Breezy Knees this Wednesday. The summer is almost ended, so the weather has been quite changeable these days; after 30 minutes, I arrived but it started to rain and was quite windy.

With over 20 acres of extensive gardens featuring more than 7,000 different varieties of flowers, shrubs and trees, Breezy Knees is one of the largest gardens in Northern England. I quickly entered the garden entry – Rabbit Path – there are totally 20 gardens in Breezy Knees, I seemed to be lost in the fairy tale adventure again.

(Source: Alice in Wonderland)



Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”   ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland






英國園藝家和作家蒙蒂· (Monty Don) Breezy Knees Garden 描述為以最大可能的規模建造的美麗現代花園。幸運的是它位於約克郡,所以我決定這週去參觀。 

我一直對英式花園著迷,讀了《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》後更加熱愛了。這個星期,我從約克市中心乘坐了 843 Coastline 巴士到 Breezy Knees因為夏天快結束了,這幾天天氣變化無常; 30分鐘後,我到了,但開始下雨,風很大。 

Breezy Knees 擁有超過 20 英畝的廣闊花園,擁有 7,000 多種不同品種的花卉、灌木和樹木,是英格蘭北部最大的花園之一。我很快就進入了花園入口——兔子小徑——微風膝一共有20個花園,我彷佛又迷失在了童話冒險中。