Tuesday 15 November 2016

The Roman Baths--the City of Bath

The Roman Baths
I still remembered I once copied a sentence from the Roman Baths during my last visit to Bath. It seems to say, “Life is like a bath, with many bubbles within it.” It is a beautiful city with vintage ambience. Happily, I visited it again last week.

Traced back its history, in 836 BC, the spring was discovered by the British king who built the first baths, I guess he really know how to keep warm by a bath in the chilly English weather and have some enjoyable moment. After Roman invasion, it is well-preserved by Roman for public bathing.

Roman Baths is one of the historical sites in the UK now, the sacred spring at the very heart of the sites, a great temple is built next to the Spring, where the spirit of the goddess dwelt. According to the official website, the holy water are inscribed with the letters DSM (Deae Sulis Minerva) which shows that they were dedicated to the goddess Sulis Minerva. (See Roman Bath in different angles: )

The water which bubbles up from the ground and about 1,170,000 litres (240,000 gallons) of water rises here daily flow through the Roman great drain. All the designs of Roman Bath shows the wisdom of the Roman engineers, and some sculptures display how rich Roman is at that era.

A real women played a role of the ancient Roman

With healing power, some words describe the magic of the spring is worthy of coping herein: “if they can’t be cured by drinking and bathing here, they will never be cured anywhere.” Thus, never miss the opportunity to try the free natural Spa water at the end of your visit.

The Roman Bath website

Sunday 13 November 2016

Stonehenge--The World Heritage Site

Last Sunday,6 November 2016, I visited the world-famous ancient stone-circle and the best-known prehistoric monument in Europe—Stonehenge. After three-hour bus distance from Brighton, I arrived at Stonehenge and got an entrance ticket from its brand new visitor centre.
The first stone I met in the walking trail
This mysterious Stonehenge and its surroundings is a world heritage site (1986) recognized by UNESCO. It is located in Wiltshire, England. According to archaeology, Stonehenge is completed around 1250 BC. So far, no one can exactly explain how ancient people move all these stones to this site and how it becomes a tool of everyday Neolithic life.

It could be assumed that ancient people used the stone-circle to calculate time? As you can see the sun-reflecting shadows from stone-circle in the ground; or perhaps it is a religious place that people used to worship their God (“spirit”).

However, one thing can be 100% sure is that Stonehenge is absolutely one of the cultural icons for the UK. And it is definitely a “must-see” landscape while you live in the southern UK. Just walk in and let the force from Stonehenge be with you.

 Check Stonehenge website

巨石陣 - 世界遺產
上週日,2016年11月6日,我參觀了世界著名的古代石圈和歐洲最著名的史前紀念碑 - 巨石陣。從布萊頓乘車3個小時後,我到達了巨石陣並從其全新的遊客中心取得一張門票。


也許可以假設古代人是用石頭圈來計算時間. 如同你看到地面上石圈的陽光反射的陰影,或者它是人們過去崇拜他們的神(“精神”)的宗教場所?



Saturday 5 November 2016

Revisit My Dear Old Friends in the British Museum

Few days ago, I went to London to visit my old friends: the Egyptian Pharaoh and the mummy.

This is my 4th time being in the British Museum. The Egyptian civilized legacy is always the most classic and immortal display there. Hence they are not displaced to somewhere else and always attract people from all over the world.

Well, I somehow feel so close to them, probably because I have an ancient soul in my body. I feel a bit sad as well while I was standing in front of these silent and colossal statues: the King RamessesⅡ and Queen Ahmose-Merytamun.

If their alleged lives are perpetual, then what kind of messages are they delivering? Will they hope to return to their homeland? Should we show more respect to them? Or this is the best way to preserve and cherish all these treasures?

Anyway, my dear old friends, I wish you can penetrate the time wall and the hedge within this building by your sheer force of will and infinite lives.

And we will meet up with each other again.