Monday 15 May 2017

The Romantic Part of Diaspora Life

The following words are cited from Robin Cohen’s (2008, p.8) book—Global Diasporas:
In his book, he tries to tell his reader that migrants sometimes have an imaginary picture of living overseas and have a pretty dream for the future; this story just tell us it is a romantic part of all the reality. It is a diaspora describes the place he lives (ps: an unknown place).

‘I have been convinced that I was living abroad and, at a push, overseas. It now turns out, however, that I have actually been living in the diaspora. This sounds like a very lovely place, with flora and fauna,[ …], blue skies and a certain je ne sais quoi. The sort of place where you can tiptoe through the tulips, stopping every so often to smell Rose, […], and any other delicacies that take your fancy…’

In the surrounding place I live, it is not a dream, This is Preston Park, a place as big as a football field, has two gardens (Rose garden and Rock garden, I will introduce tem next time) and one church inside. Very often, I walk only 5 minutes to there from my living place to take a fresh air and stretch my body. It is truly beautiful there! 

Cohen, R. (2008) Global diasporas : An introduction (2nd ed., Global diasporas). London: Routledge.
以下文字來自Robin Cohen 2008年的書全球移民

(文字摘錄自: Cohen, R. (2008) Global diasporas : An introduction)
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