Thursday 31 August 2017

Let’s go to Oxbridge

The term ‘Oxbridge’ is combined with University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Interestingly, some members of the latter are actually from the former, and both are in England. 

It is allegedly that those scholars quarreled with local residents in Oxford so that they moved to Cambridge to form their own research community.

It is not as surprising as many people have argued that researchers tend to be out of touch with the reality (plz watch ‘The Big Bang Theory’). Besides, there is a Chinese proverb saying ‘A scholar is always wrong when he is in front of a gunman.’

Which is the best university is not the key thing. We today simply play the visitor role in a campus tour. And I suggest that getting prepared to be charged when you visit University of Cambridge. I was pitched to buy a punting Cambridge tour ticket (adult:20; student:15; children:10) by a group of young people when I just walked out of the Cambridge train station. 

Near the campus, many of salesmen standing in front of Kings News (a small store) eager to sell the punting ticket to tourists. Despite of crowded people in the queue on Sunday afternoon, I have experienced the famous ritual: Punting Cambridge to explore Kings and Queens Colleges from a boat's-eye view.

On the other hand, Oxford is more historical, traditional and academic to me. 

No wonder Christ Church College is selected as a great dining hall in HARRY POTTER movies. 

When I visited Oxford in the early spring, I saw cherry flowers in the blue sky and scholars and students more than tourists. I am happy that it is a campus community instead of a tourist centre.

These two outstanding worldwide universities are almost on a par with each other in academia. However, the spirits of Cambridge's architectures: modern, grand and enterprising are different to Oxford's medieval, classic and graceful ambiances.





早春我去過牛津時,在藍天看到櫻花,學者和學生多於遊客。 它是一個校園社區,而不是一個旅遊中心。


Wednesday 30 August 2017

A Full English Breakfast 英式'滿分'早餐@@

Few people will deny the British know how to eat well in the morning time.
Breakfast in Cotswold B&B (40 pounds/per night included)
A Full English Breakfast is popular throughout Britain and Ireland and has been part of the reasons that I choose to stay in B&B while traveling. Such a British traditional meal that everyone deserves to enjoy is also served in YHA in the UK (student hostels) with a high-level quality and at reasonable prices.
Breakfast in YHA South Down Hostel (5 pounds/per meal)
What makes it so attracting and so ‘full’ (nutritional)? In general, there are several heart elements in the wonderful Breakfast: smoked or unsmoked bacon and juicy eggs, baked beans accompanied by sausages, grilled tomato, crumpets, and mushrooms; tea, toast with marmalade or butter are key accessories. 
Breakfast in Cotswold B&B (40 pounds/per night included)
Sometimes, customers are able to have their own choice of accompaniments with different prices for each item in some places, such as in the campus restaurant. 
Breakfast in School (4.8 pounds for 4 items)
With a pot of tea adding hot milk, A Full English Breakfast always becomes my brunch and replaces a lunch need. A day starts with a rich and savory meal! Who says the British do not know how to eat. 
Breakfast in School (4.8 pounds for 4 items)
很少有人會否認英國人知道如何在早上好好吃飯。全英式早餐在英國和愛爾蘭都是永遠受歡迎的。 這是我在旅行時中選擇待在BB的原因之一,如此的傳統早餐應人人均可享受所以在英國的YHA(學生宿舍)也提供高品質的合理價格的全英式早餐。

是什麼讓它如此吸引人還很滿分”(營養)呢? 通常,美妙的早餐中有幾個核心元素:煙燻或無煙燻火腿肉和多汁的雞蛋,烤豆子配香腸,烤番茄,烤薯餅和蘑菇; 茶,麵包果醬或奶油是重要的配件。


隨著一壺茶加熱牛奶,全英式早餐總是成為我的早午餐,取代了午餐的需要。 一天開始是豐盛而美味的餐點! 誰說英國人不知道怎麼吃。

Sunday 13 August 2017

Wildflower Meadow

traveled to Provence last month, but I did something else instead of indulging in its most famous landscape: Lavender fields. Luckily, when I came back, I catch up the trend at Rock Gardens opposite Preston Park, where not only has the purple cloud, but various kinds of wildflowers sparkling my eyes.
Standing within such colourful flowers and plants, I cannot help to praise the designers: masterpieces made by God and British planters. It raises my interest to understand what is the tip of designing this wonderland.  

As colour makes a garden powerful; it changes how you feel about the image and shapes a visible boundary.
These flowers can be put into a colour wheel to appreciate. If flowers are dark colours, such as black, brown, purple and deep blue, they normally make themselves unique and seem to make the backdrop larger.

Two similar colours displaying together look pleasant and harmonious, such as orange and yellow, red and pink.

Colours that directly opposite each other, such as yellow and purple, red and green, appear more intense, striking when they are together. 


Colours that are in equal power, for example purple and green and orange. 

There is a wildflower meadow in the middle of Preston Park, while I think they are not wild at all, instead, they are lighter, pastel colours ladies — white, pale pink, lemon-yellow etc., instill a feeling of calm for Summer.

Inside Preston Park, Walled Graden is also full of colourful flowers and plants very appealing to my eyes. 

Flowers are not the only one element that constructs a picturesque image here.

As the photo, 'On the one hand', he took care of the elder; 'on the other hand', he comforted the dog. A gentlman with such a good heart definitely multiplied all the pretty.

Preston Park中間有一個野花草園地,雖然我認為它們根本不是野的,而是更輕,柔和的彩色淑女們 - 白色,淡粉紅色,檸檬黃色等,為夏天灌入了一種平靜的感覺。還有裡面的Walled Gardenpd充滿吸睛的花草植物