Thursday 31 August 2017

Let’s go to Oxbridge

The term ‘Oxbridge’ is combined with University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Interestingly, some members of the latter are actually from the former, and both are in England. 

It is allegedly that those scholars quarreled with local residents in Oxford so that they moved to Cambridge to form their own research community.

It is not as surprising as many people have argued that researchers tend to be out of touch with the reality (plz watch ‘The Big Bang Theory’). Besides, there is a Chinese proverb saying ‘A scholar is always wrong when he is in front of a gunman.’

Which is the best university is not the key thing. We today simply play the visitor role in a campus tour. And I suggest that getting prepared to be charged when you visit University of Cambridge. I was pitched to buy a punting Cambridge tour ticket (adult:20; student:15; children:10) by a group of young people when I just walked out of the Cambridge train station. 

Near the campus, many of salesmen standing in front of Kings News (a small store) eager to sell the punting ticket to tourists. Despite of crowded people in the queue on Sunday afternoon, I have experienced the famous ritual: Punting Cambridge to explore Kings and Queens Colleges from a boat's-eye view.

On the other hand, Oxford is more historical, traditional and academic to me. 

No wonder Christ Church College is selected as a great dining hall in HARRY POTTER movies. 

When I visited Oxford in the early spring, I saw cherry flowers in the blue sky and scholars and students more than tourists. I am happy that it is a campus community instead of a tourist centre.

These two outstanding worldwide universities are almost on a par with each other in academia. However, the spirits of Cambridge's architectures: modern, grand and enterprising are different to Oxford's medieval, classic and graceful ambiances.





早春我去過牛津時,在藍天看到櫻花,學者和學生多於遊客。 它是一個校園社區,而不是一個旅遊中心。


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