Wednesday 18 October 2017

Maple Grove

‘Acer’ is a brand name of Taiwan’s computer. Interestingly, I find that it is also a genus of trees, commonly known as maple. 
If there is a symbolic colour for autumn, maybe it can be given by maple leaves. In York, it is about the season to experience the Fall decorated with maple trees.
Today, I strolled around Maple Grove to Rowntree Park and discovered picturesque scenery. 

On my way to the city, a cluster of miscanthus suddenly jumped into my eyes, 
then I passed by the Yorkshire historical city wall with falling maple leaves.
When I recalled this afternoon—people walking on the path,
ducks paddling on the lake,

and doves sipping water on the old plate,
they are all in the backdrops of maple leaves, which compose the autumn. 


宏碁是台灣電腦的品牌。 有趣的是,我發現它也是一種樹木(的學名),俗稱楓樹。

如果秋天有象徵性的顏色,也許可以由楓葉來賦予。 在約克,現在正是體驗秋天被楓樹裝點的季節。

今天,我在Maple 小樹林周圍漫步到Rowntree Park,發現風景如畫。


當我回想今天下午: 人們走在路上,鴨子在湖上搖搖晃晃地行進,鴿子在舊盤子上啜水,它們都在構成秋天的楓葉背景裡。

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