Friday 29 December 2017

⛄White X’mas

It is the X’mas season and it is snowing again this morning!

❅The sparkling snow is falling on the quiet forest all around, where the scenery reminds me of ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’.

When I walk into the Narnia-like perimeter, geese emerge from the woods and frozen lakes, tiny snowflakes drift down from the sky.

Unlike the plot of Narnia that the White Witch put a curse on everything and used ice to freeze living beings. Here, animal tracks are often more common than footprints.

 And today, I left my tracks here.

與納尼亞的情節—白女巫對所有事物施加了詛咒,並用冰來凍結生物—不同的是,在這裡,動物的痕跡通常比腳印更常見。 而今天我把我的足跡留在這裡。

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