Wednesday 21 February 2018

Harry Potter: inspirations from Porto Portugal and Yorkshire UK

Buy a voucher to entry a bookstore:  👉 Livraria Lillo Porto 
Porto plays a role in J.K.rolling's bestseller Harry Potter and rumour has it that Livraria Lillo gives J.K. Rowling inspiration to write Harry Potter! With its chalk-white façade and intricate neo-gothic carvings in the centre of downtown, Livraria Lillo is one of the oldest bookstores in Porto which is opened since 1906. 

This store has been praised as the third most beautiful bookshop in the world by The Guardian and Lonely Planet, and one of the coolest by Time Magazine and CNN; therefore, now you have to buy a 4 euros voucher to get into the book store. Now the store is full of visitors everyday!

Shambles streets in York 👈
'Welcome, Muggles'!—The Shop That Must Not Be Named
For Harry Potter fans, Shambles is one of the set of the film, and has become a must-see in York. The film’s designer tried to grasp the idea of ‘Diagon Alley’ in JK Rowling’s fictional thoroughfare and finally was inspired by visiting York’s most famous street — Shambles.

Featured by its maze of twisting, narrow lanes, Shambles does make medieval York charming. Similar to Diagon Alley in Harry Potter as a hub that a wizard can buy anything, Shambles street is a good place for visitors to search treasures.


📕買一張票券進入一家書店:Livraria Lillo Porto

波爾圖在J.K.rolling的暢銷書哈利·波特Harry Potter)中扮演著角色,有傳言說Livraria LilloJ.K.羅琳靈感寫哈利波特!Livraria Lillo位於市中心,擁有粉筆般的白色立面和錯綜複雜的新哥特式雕刻,是波爾圖最古老的書店之一,自1906年開放。這家商店被衛報孤獨星球世界第三美麗的書店,也是時代雜誌和CNN最酷的之一;因此,現在必須購買一張4歐元的票券才能進入書店。


歡迎,麻瓜一進到這家店The Shop That Must Not Be Named的招呼語
對於哈利·波特的粉絲們來說,肉舖街是這部電影中的一個場景,而且已經成約克的必訪之處。 這部電影的設計者試圖在J.K.羅琳的虛構大道上掌握斜角巷的點子,最後在遊訪約克最著名的街道 - “肉舖街時受到發。 
曲狹窄的小巷特色,Shambles讓中世紀的約克變得迷人。 正如哈利·波特的斜角巷(Diagon Alley)是巫師可以購買任何東西的中心,Shambles街道是尋找珍寶的好地方。


Wednesday 14 February 2018

City adventure in Portugal (part 3)

Apart from affordable and delicious food and drinks, it is easy for tourists to have a colourful city break in Portugal. 

probably this is the most colour M in the world

The fantastic rail journeys along the beautiful coastlines for Cascais beach sunset 🚄

I only spent 17 Euros (per night) and owned a whole lovely apartment beside the sunshine beach at Cascais. What a bargain in such a winter season!

And the beach is just around the corner of my living place. With enough sunshine, I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunset in the world, windy in the evening though.

Touring Lisbon on Bus, Tram and Metro 🚇🚉🚌
Taking the typical yellow little trolleyone of the city attractions on its own right, is the best way to get an overall impression of Lisbon. 
Get a one-day traffic ticket around 6.8 Euros to freely access to all these conventient tranportation tools within one day, including teh iconic city building: Elevador de Santa Justa (Santa Justa Lift which charges you 5 Euros).

Lisbon City Icon: Elevador de Santa Justa

the elevator inside

A bird's view of Elevador de Santa Justa
On the top of the tower

Where there is a wire netting, there will be some locks there 
you can take suntan on the top floor
Bairro Alto: the City Centre of Lisbon

Wandering around its cobbled lanes and enjoying a free English Tour guide for 3 hours story-telling routes in Porto. (The tour guide asked me where I am from, he knows Formosa and said we Portugese have been there). Making an online booking before traveling there, it is a simple way to know the best of the city and to listen its stories. 

Praça da Liberdade

we gather at Praça da Liberdade
Porto City Center
Church of Saint Ildefonso

they use the same post box system company as the UK

the Church door

The free walking route includes São Bento railway station, Santa Catarina, Batalha, Bridge Luis I, Cathedral (Sé), Barredo neighborhood, Ribeira quarter, where city centre is entirely an UNESCO heritage! 

São Bento railway station
Santa Catarin: coffee and shopping


Ribeira quarter

A bird view from Bridge Luis I

Bridge Luis I
Cathedral (Sé)

Barredo neighborhood

輕鬆葡萄牙進行的城市冒險 🚶🚅🚇🚉



傳統電車本身城市的吸引之一,是得到Lisbon整體印象的最佳方式,買1日交通卷6.8歐元可以免費1日乘坐公車,電車,捷運好幾種交通工具,其中還可以去搭最里斯本有名的6層樓高Elevador de Santa Justa塔價值5歐元.

享受Porto最好的免費旅遊,市中心整座是聯合國教科文組織遺UNESCO的城市。在波爾圖他們每天安排免費的3小時徒步歷史故事旅行。在旅行之前進行線上預約,是了解城市最好和聽故事的簡單方法。(導遊問大家從哪裡來?他說葡萄牙人知道臺灣Formosa,他們到過那)路線包括 São Bento railway station, Santa Catarina, Batalha, Bridge Luis I, Cathedral (Sé), Barredo neighborhood, Ribeira quarter.