Monday 21 May 2018

Graduation in Phoenix Flower Bloom Season

When the blooming of cherry blossoms reached its peak by the end of April, and cherry blossoms start to gracefully and beautifully fall on the grounds in May; it is a sign for the coming summer.

In York, there is no particular spot for sightseeing cherry blossom; cheery trees can be seen near Rowntree Park, pavements, city centre and city walls, constituting a picturesque background with York’s historical buildings.

Street art in York
It is not a proper summer yet in the UK, but British people already had some hot and sunny days. By contrast, in Taiwan, summer comes earlier and has reached over 25 degrees Celsius. Many Delonix regiathe flame trees, start to display showy red and yellow flowers.

Delonix regia has an English name--Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant growing in a tropical or sub-tropical country in the world. In May, we can see many of ‘these red flames’ in Southern Taiwan during hot summer. 
May to July is phoenix flowering season in Taiwan, and is also about the time for college graduation.  Taiwanese draw on its flower language which symbolises ‘farewell’, or ‘fiery youth’  to describe graduation time as Phoenix Flower Bloom season.

These phoenix flower photos are provided by Brian Chiu@rich Media, a Taiwan-based company runs multiple-task jobs in professional IT fields. The shooting place is at Tomato kaisha (かいしゃ) nearby Kao Yuan University, which is a private university in Kaohsiung City, Southern Taiwan. The school has dedicated to developing applied science and engineering with setting up several research and management centres. The international sister schools across Asia, North America, Europe, and Oceania areas. Moreover, their students have won numberless honours in international innovation and invention competition. 
Flowers of Delonix regia in full bloom.
Getting ready to leave school? Students at Kao Yuan University will be expected to have a wide distribution in many societies as the growth of Phoenix trees worldwide, and they have to be passionate as the flame to serve the ever-changing global IT working fields. In this competitive global era, Taiwanese young people have to be brave, be strong and to embrace the world! Give my best wishes to you all.


現在英國還不是一個真正的夏天,但英國人已經有了一些炎熱和陽光燦爛的日子。相較之下,在台灣,夏天來得早,已達25攝氏度以上。許多鳳凰樹 - 火焰樹,開始展現華麗的紅色和黃色的花朵。它有一個英文名字 - 皇家PoincianaFlamboyant,生長在世界上熱帶或亞熱帶的國家。因此,在炎熱的夏天,我們可以在台灣南部看到很多'紅色火焰'


感謝Brian Chiu富媒體提供這些鳳凰花照片,這家公司在IT專業領域多工營運。這個拍攝地方是在靠近高苑科技大學的番茄會社拍的。高苑科技大學是高雄南台灣一所私立大學,全心致力於開發應用科學和工程擁有數個研究及管理中心。他們的國際姊姊校遍及亞洲,北美,歐洲和大洋洲區域,並且學生在國際創新和發明競賽中已獲得無數榮譽。


Saturday 19 May 2018

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

I didn’t write my blog unit today in May because I played taekwondo and bruised my arm; after one week, I fell down on stairs in the train station when I was going 'upstairs' to rush for my train to Oxford in the morning; as a result, my many fingers are injured. And unfortunately again, I hopped on the wrong train (how silly!).
I really need good luck right now so I decide to write this big day of the UK to share with their joy. Yes, the British Royal Family is more and more versatile as Meghan Markle, married to Prince Harry today, becoming their new member!!! York City Centre is decorated by the very British brollies and a big screen set up for people to watch the wedding to celebrate for this blissful day!
Meghan has changed and successfully changed the nature of the Royal Family. There is continuing much gossip about Meghan before this wedding such as divorce, American actress…while this lovely couple decided to omit it since the beginning and keep walking on the way to happiness. Obviously, Meghan’s sparkling smile has won over the British people’s hearts. When I asked an old British lady at York how does she think about this marriage? Do you like Meghan? She answered me, ‘yes, now we live in a modern world’. I guess that means the Royal Family’s boundary and norms can never be so narrowed and enclosed. 
(This icon is originated from a handbag sold at Primark UK)
Also, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been named the Duke and Duchess of Sussex by the Queen on their wedding day! As I live in Sussex last year, Sussex for me is a place full of diverse culture; food and drinks, beautiful gardens, and relaxed lifestyle, people are welcoming and energetic just as this lovely couple. Wonderful! 

Highlights of Royal Wedding on BBC:

今年五月份直到今天前我都沒寫部落格,因為我去跆拳道,淤傷了我的手臂;過了一個星期後,我在清早去火車站'上樓'去趕搭火車去牛津時,跌倒在樓梯上; 結果,我的許多手指都受傷了(兩手共5隻破皮流血) 不幸的是,我又跳上了錯誤的列車(太蠢了!)。

我現在真的很需要好運氣,所以我決定今天寫這個英國的大日子,分享他們的快樂。 那就是,英國皇室越來越多才多藝了,因為Meghan Markle今天嫁給了哈利王子,成為他們的新成員!!! 在約克市中心裝飾了非常英國的傘,並設置了一個大螢幕供人們觀看婚禮,以慶祝這個充滿祝福的日子!

Meghan改變了並且成功地挑戰了皇室的本質。婚禮之前,還有很多有關梅根的閒話...... 離婚,美國女演員, 然而這對可愛的夫婦決定從開始就忽略它,並繼續走在幸福的路上。顯然,梅根燦爛的笑容贏得了英國人民的讚賞。當我問約克的一位英國老太太時,她是如何看待這段婚姻的?你喜歡梅根嗎?她回答我:'是的,現在我們生活在一個現代世界中'。我想這意味著皇室的界限和規範永遠不可能再狹窄和封閉了。

