Sunday 25 November 2018

Shopping for Christmas presents🎁

It's late November, it's near Christmas, and while we won't pretend to know everything that's going to happen over the next few weeks, we have some sense of what's coming up.

Christmas market has already started in the city centre of York in early November.

💸This week is Black Friday week. Traditionally, it has seen as the beginning of Christmas shopping season. To welcome this merry holiday, people enjoy shopping home decoration accessories and preparing Christmas gifts for all of their loved ones.

👛Although many stores offer highly promoted sales on Black Friday, another day for a better chance at getting desired items will be on Boxing Day-a holiday celebrated on the day after Christmas Day-shops even offer bigger discounts. 

🎁Not a shopaholic? You can do some window shopping like me to enjoy wonderful Christmas lights, trees and decorations. And tomorrow is cyber Monday for online shopping fans.


11月初聖誕市場已經在市中心開始。本周則是黑色星期五(購物)週。傳統上,它已被視為聖誕購物季的開始。 為了迎接這個快樂的假期,人們喜歡購買家居裝飾配件,並為所有親人準備聖誕禮物.

雖然許多商店在黑色星期五提供很大的促銷,但還有另1個日子有機會買得想要的東西就是在Boxing Day-聖誕節後的第二天慶祝日,商店甚至會提供更大的折扣。 

不是購物狂? 你可以像我一樣就來逛大街櫥窗,享受美妙的聖誕燈,樹木和裝飾品。還有明天是給網路購物迷的線上購物星期一。

Sunday 18 November 2018

British Sandwich: a solution to my weak teeth

This week I returned to York from Taiwan for continuing my research. Yellow and red maple trees, and Christmas lights on shops’ windows are welcoming my coming life. 

Something new happened to me, I just pulled my wisdom tooth on the left side at the end of October when I came back to Taiwan (as going to see the dentist under Taiwanese NHS is more relatively convenient for me); it takes time to recover. Therefore, I can barely use that side to chew everything. And I got a serious jet lag disorder and no mood to do cooking as usual. 

As ‘British Sandwich Week’ (this year is held on 20-26 May 2018) says, the Sandwich is the greatest food to go and quite possibly the most iconic British culinary invention.
Many British supermarkets such as Morrisons, Tesco, M&S, Ald, etc., roll out their own-brand sandwiches, I have tried different recipes of them. In general, the top 7 typical main ingredient and popular fillings are: cucumber, smoked salmon, egg salad, roast beef, tomato, cheese and pickle, ham and mustard. 



However, according to a new investigation in June, revealing that ‘Under half of sandwiches in a survey were found to be under-filled’, well, what is the best value for money? Which is the best or the worst? Check here:
 (Source: Mailonline by IMOGEN BLAKE FOR MAILONLINE, PUBLISHED: 12:40, 12 June 2018 | UPDATED: 16:05, 12 June 2018)



有件新的事情發生在我身上,10月底才剛拔了我左側的智齒,在我回到台灣的時候(因為在台灣健保制度下看牙醫對我來說比較方便);恢復需要時間。因此,我幾乎不能用那一面來咀嚼一切。還有我有嚴重時差, 沒什麼心情像一般日子自己作飯.由於傷口還未痊癒, 飲食需要低溫的和營養均衡的,然後我發現英國三明治非常有用而且非常方便。


許多英國超市像Morrisons, Tesco, M&S, Ald, etc推出了他們自己品牌的三明治,我嘗試了不同的口味餡料。7種典型的主要成分和流行的餡料是:

