Sunday 18 November 2018

British Sandwich: a solution to my weak teeth

This week I returned to York from Taiwan for continuing my research. Yellow and red maple trees, and Christmas lights on shops’ windows are welcoming my coming life. 

Something new happened to me, I just pulled my wisdom tooth on the left side at the end of October when I came back to Taiwan (as going to see the dentist under Taiwanese NHS is more relatively convenient for me); it takes time to recover. Therefore, I can barely use that side to chew everything. And I got a serious jet lag disorder and no mood to do cooking as usual. 

As ‘British Sandwich Week’ (this year is held on 20-26 May 2018) says, the Sandwich is the greatest food to go and quite possibly the most iconic British culinary invention.
Many British supermarkets such as Morrisons, Tesco, M&S, Ald, etc., roll out their own-brand sandwiches, I have tried different recipes of them. In general, the top 7 typical main ingredient and popular fillings are: cucumber, smoked salmon, egg salad, roast beef, tomato, cheese and pickle, ham and mustard. 



However, according to a new investigation in June, revealing that ‘Under half of sandwiches in a survey were found to be under-filled’, well, what is the best value for money? Which is the best or the worst? Check here:
 (Source: Mailonline by IMOGEN BLAKE FOR MAILONLINE, PUBLISHED: 12:40, 12 June 2018 | UPDATED: 16:05, 12 June 2018)



有件新的事情發生在我身上,10月底才剛拔了我左側的智齒,在我回到台灣的時候(因為在台灣健保制度下看牙醫對我來說比較方便);恢復需要時間。因此,我幾乎不能用那一面來咀嚼一切。還有我有嚴重時差, 沒什麼心情像一般日子自己作飯.由於傷口還未痊癒, 飲食需要低溫的和營養均衡的,然後我發現英國三明治非常有用而且非常方便。


許多英國超市像Morrisons, Tesco, M&S, Ald, etc推出了他們自己品牌的三明治,我嘗試了不同的口味餡料。7種典型的主要成分和流行的餡料是:



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