Friday 22 February 2019

York Minster

Lonely Planet describes York: ‘No other city in northern England says “medieval” quite like York, […] A magnificent circuit of 13th-century walls encloses a medieval spider's web of narrow streets. At its heart lies the immense, awe-inspiring York Minster, one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in the world.

Recently, I spent some time in King's Manor Library York, which houses many collections relating to architecture, heritage management and medieval studies. And as I know, some students and researchers come to York to research medieval architecture and history for York is really a live classroom for them. However, I have not had a chance to go deeper into the very nature of medieval architectures. Therefore, I borrowed a book from the library and hope to gain a better understanding.
(Coldstream 2002: 28)

(Coldstream 2002: 67)
I will say, it is really complicated, but I tried to grasp some basic concepts. First, when we travel in today’s Europe, we still can see grand Cathedrals standing into the skylines. Basically, each Medieval church has its own style, which can be traced back to history in the 13th century. ‘The high style’ church building symbolizes its religious status in an area, as well as reflects ‘the hierarchy of Heaven’, which could only be visualized through a tangible structure or architecture (Coldstream 2002: 29).

Second, in the Medieval Ages, the shifting of European political power had significant impacts on church architectures in Christendom. The castle and cathedral were not only built to be their principle base but became a way to reflect their wealth and prestige. However, no matter how magnificent a church is and how many regional characteristics differ from each other, ‘all of them served the imperative need to prepare for death with sins and the hope of everlasting life’. That is to say, a church building performs both ecclesiastical and secular activities.(Coldstream 2002: 19).

In addition, we may appreciate a church through aesthetical lens, but in fact, the Medieval architects concerned setting out and construction most.  

In the mid 13th century, The prestigious King, Louis IX in Paris, made French design lead the way of building churches across central Europe ( ‘to England, where the monastic order was responsible for introducing it to Yorkshire in the 1170s’). York Minster in the late 13th century is followed the French style—not a ‘classic High Gothic’ but a ‘Rayonnant’—featured by ‘the radiating, wheel-like patterns of the rose windows that filled the flat end walls of naves and transepts.’ (Coldstream 2002: 34-36).

The details of church structure and design are also very complicated, including pinnacles, gables, ribs, clerestories, spandrels, arcade arches, shafts, vaults and traceries., etc. And no need to say there are many words referring to ‘church’. I list them by size (importance) from large to small: cathedral, minster, abbey, monastery, basilica, cloister, kirk (the official c, church of Scotland), chapel.

It is just a small part of the book, but I decided to put the textbook aside and directly have a close look at the biggest church in York—York Minster. 




當我們在今天的歐洲旅行時,我們仍然可以看到大教堂站在天際線上。基本上,每個中世紀教堂都有自己的風格,這可以追溯到13世紀的歷史。高風格的教堂建築象徵著它在一個地區的宗教地位,也反映了天堂的等級,只能通過有形的結構或建築來形象化(Coldstream 200229)。

其次,在中世紀時期,歐洲政權的轉移對基督教世界的教會建築產生了重大影響。城堡和大教堂不僅是他們的主要基地,而且成為一種反映他們財富和聲望的方式。然而,無論一個教堂多麼壯觀,有很多地區特徵彼此不同,所有這些都是用來為服務需要做好準備,為死亡做好準備,為永生做好準備。也就是說,教堂建築同時進行超俗宗教和世俗活動(Coldstream 200219)。

此外,我們可能會透過美學角來欣賞教堂,但實際上中世紀的建築師最關心的是構造和建造。在13世紀中葉,著名的國王,路易九世在巴黎,使法國的設計引領著在整個中歐建立教堂的方式('延伸到英格蘭,其在1170年代時在修道院的命令下負責將其引入約克郡')。約克大教堂在13世紀晚期遵循法國風格之後 - 不是經典的高哥德式,而是“Rayonnant”型式 - 以玫瑰窗的輻射,輪狀圖案為特色,填充了中殿和橫斷面的平坦端壁。(Coldstream 200234-36)。


這些還只是書的一小部分,我決定放下教科書,直接去看看最大的教堂 - 約克大教堂。
Reference: Coldstream, N. (2002). Medieval architecture. Oxford University Press, USA.


Friday 15 February 2019

International Mother Language Day: Taiwanese (Formosa) mother language

On Valentine's Day, 14, Feb, no one invited me to have a romantic tea (‘tea’ in York means ‘dinner’), instead, I was invited to attend an event held on 21 Feb to celebrate the “International Mother Language Day 2019” to express Taiwanese mother language. This event is organized by The Bangladesh Society in collaboration with University of York Linguistic Society with the support of UK National Commission for UNESCO.

This is a good chance for people from Taiwan, where is home to 16 indigenous peoples: Amis, Atayal, Paiwan, Bunun, Tsou, Rukai, Pinuyumayan, Saisiyat, Yami, Thao, Kavalan, Truku, Sakizaya, Sediq, Hla alua, Kanakanavu (about 2.5% of the total population, 560,000). Their rich and unique cultural not only light up Taiwan’s different cultural identity but also make Taiwan become a significant motherland of the Austronesian language. These 16 indigenous peoples have their own different languages, customs and rituals, making Taiwan become culturally rich and diverse.

The fact that Taiwan is the languages and cultures of the Austronesians began, which includes people in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, the Maoris in New Zealand and Polynesians in Hawaii has been recognized by many international experts, such as Hawaiian Linguist Robert Blust, Australian archaeologist Peter Bellwood, and American Human sociologist Jared Diamond. (Source:
Therefore, to preserve Taiwanese tribe cultures may be thought to be ‘political correctness’; however, there are far more significant meanings in it. 

Interestingly, many Taiwanese aboriginals are born to be good singers and enjoy singing and drinking. The 1996 Summer Olympics used ENIGM’s ‘Return To Innocence’ to advertise the event, this song is mixed with an elder Taiwanese indigenous (Difang Duana’s ) song. With the popularity of this song, Difang Duana sang to the world.

So, what is the current situation of Taiwanese indigenous languages? Yes, they are endangered due to modernization and mainly because they are the ethnic minority. The Taiwanese government has tried its efforts to save these precious languages in many ways, such as digitalizing language into e-dictionary. 

My hometown is located in Siraya area, Tainan, Taiwan. Although I am not a Taiwanese indigenous person, I once worked with them and I appreciate these ancient peoples guarded Formosa island in the past. I shall pay my respect to them, and introduce one of their languages next Tuesday in front of the audience.

Listen these beautiful, healing and brave voices: 
Return To Innocence

Difang - Elder's Drinking Song

Another amazing song: 700 moons by Amis people

214日的情人節,沒有人邀請我喝一杯浪漫的茶(約克的''意味著'晚餐'),反而,我被邀請參加221 日一個慶祝“2019年國際母語日”的活動展現臺灣母語,在英國教科文組織全國委員會的支持下由孟加拉協會與約克大學語言學會合辦。

對於來自台灣的人來說,這是一個很好的表現機會,因為臺灣有16原住民:阿美,泰雅,排灣,布農,鄒族,魯凱,卑南族, 雅美族(達悟族),噶瑪蘭族,邵族,卡那卡那富族,太魯閣族,撒奇萊雅族,賽德克族,卑南族,拉阿魯哇族  (約占人口2.5%, 560,000人)。他們豐富而獨特的文化不僅彰顯了台灣不同的文化意識,也使台灣成為南島語的重要祖國。這16種原住民有自己不同的語言,風俗和儀式,使台灣文化既豐富又多元化。

台灣是南島人的語言和文化起源,其中包括太平洋群島,東南亞,紐西蘭的毛利人和夏威夷的波利尼西亞人,這一事實已得到了許多國際專家的認可,如夏威夷語言學家羅伯特布魯斯特,澳大利亞人考古學家Peter Bellwood和美國人類社會學家Jared Diamond。(來源:https// = 9cRl8FuK-YQfeature = youtu)保護台灣部落文化,可以被認為是“政治正確”;但其實,它有更重要的意涵在內。

很有趣地, 許多台灣原住民天生就是優秀的歌手,喜歡唱歌及飲酒。 ENIGM的“回歸純真”的前奏 - 一首用於宣傳1996年夏季奧運會的流行歌曲 - 來自一位台灣老人(Difang Duana)的原音。隨著這首歌的流行,他和他美麗的聲音開始隨處飛揚

是的,由於現代化的發展及少數族群的弱勢地位,台灣原住民語言濱臨絕跡中。 台灣政府已盡力挽救這些寶貴的語言,包括電子化存檔。 我的家鄉位於台灣台南的西拉雅地區。 雖然我不是台灣原住民,但我曾經和他們一起工作過,我很敬佩這些古老的民族過去守護這塊福爾摩沙島。 我將在下週二在觀眾面前向他們致意並介紹他們的其中一種語言。

返璞歸真(序曲BY郭英男Difang Duana)

Saturday 2 February 2019

2019 First Snow in York

1 Feb, first snow of 2019 arrived in York.

I woke up with a view of snowy York from my window yesterday morning, enjoyed the snow scenery around the city.
On Campus, students like to make a snow day a play day, although just a little snow, they went outside to play in the snow and built up a snowman quickly.
Way to campus (city walls)

I went around the city today, snow days are great times to take photos, everything covered under the snow seems to be repainted by nature white colour.

I walked along the River Ouse to see red city cruises and passed through York Museum Garden to see the sunset in the snowy evening.

Except for snowfall, York Ice Trail is another highlight in the winter season.
Saturday 2nd February, with over 50 icy creations depicting myths and legends displaying in the city, York has become a magical winter wonderland. 

I have encountered three special sculptures, including Ice Train, Shakespeare and
Cathay Aircraft. I plan to see more tomorrow evening!

If you hop into York, don’t forget to download the 2019 York Ice Trail map in order to search your treasure.


在校園, 學生們喜歡把下雪天當玩雪日,雖然只是小小的雪,他們到戶外去玩雪,並很快地作了一個雪人。

今天我四處在城市走動,下雪天真是個拍照的好時光,雪下的一切事物似乎都被自然的白色重新粉刷過般。我沿著烏斯河(River Ouse)走過去看紅色城市的遊輪,穿過約克博物館花園(York Museum Garden),在白雪皚皚的夜晚看日落。



