Saturday 2 February 2019

2019 First Snow in York

1 Feb, first snow of 2019 arrived in York.

I woke up with a view of snowy York from my window yesterday morning, enjoyed the snow scenery around the city.
On Campus, students like to make a snow day a play day, although just a little snow, they went outside to play in the snow and built up a snowman quickly.
Way to campus (city walls)

I went around the city today, snow days are great times to take photos, everything covered under the snow seems to be repainted by nature white colour.

I walked along the River Ouse to see red city cruises and passed through York Museum Garden to see the sunset in the snowy evening.

Except for snowfall, York Ice Trail is another highlight in the winter season.
Saturday 2nd February, with over 50 icy creations depicting myths and legends displaying in the city, York has become a magical winter wonderland. 

I have encountered three special sculptures, including Ice Train, Shakespeare and
Cathay Aircraft. I plan to see more tomorrow evening!

If you hop into York, don’t forget to download the 2019 York Ice Trail map in order to search your treasure.


在校園, 學生們喜歡把下雪天當玩雪日,雖然只是小小的雪,他們到戶外去玩雪,並很快地作了一個雪人。

今天我四處在城市走動,下雪天真是個拍照的好時光,雪下的一切事物似乎都被自然的白色重新粉刷過般。我沿著烏斯河(River Ouse)走過去看紅色城市的遊輪,穿過約克博物館花園(York Museum Garden),在白雪皚皚的夜晚看日落。





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