Sunday 20 October 2019

Sustainable Development Goal - Fight for Climate Change

‘Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature he’s destroying is this God he’s worshiping.’ ― Hubert Reeves

We are living in a conflict era. On the one hand, we tend to rely too much on technology tools, which has generated environmental pollution. On the other hand, we seem to set big challenging goals in an attempt to free the world from the technology-pollution causality.

The United Nations’ ‘The SustainableDevelopment Goals’ are launched an appeal to live in a better and more sustainable future for all. They focus on several issues such as food shortage, climate change, inequality and justice. These world problems have existed for decades, some are even getting worse in recent years. Climate change is perhaps one of the invisible but quite urgent situations that all human beings face.

To think about climate changes that we face, we may hardly believe that each of us can really stop global warming by taking personal actions as it is regarded as a ‘big’ issue beyond our power to control and we continue to hope the government to take the whole responsibility. In other words, we are not counting personal activities which contribute to carbon emissions, leaving this technological numbers to the government. In part due to human inertia—being comfortable and convenient in the present moment, in part because of lacking strategies to practice environmental-friendly behaviours in everyday life such as recycling or reducing plastic bags.

Mother nature does not negotiate. Climate change response can't wait! In fact, both individuals and governments need to take their actions at different levels.

At present, autumn leaves are covering York. We are happy to embrace the coming season at the right time and temperature.

永續發展目標 - 對抗氣候變遷




大自然不會談判。 氣候變化的反應迫不及待! 實際上,個人和政府都需要在不同層面上採取行動。

目前,秋天的落葉正覆蓋著約克。 我們很高興在合適的時間和溫度下迎接即將到來的季節。

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