Saturday 18 January 2020

2020 Winter escape to Italy: Roman Holiday

48 Hours in Rome🍕🍦
As a movie fan, ‘Roman Holiday' is one of the classic romantic stories on my watching list. What Roman appeals to me are not only food and historical monuments, but also a movie focus.

The storyline of 'Roman Holiday' is about a royal princess (from an unknown country) who seized her opportunity to get rid of tightly scheduled life and enjoyed exploring Rome trip in a free and easy way, on her own, and with her new friends.

Fontana di Tervi & Scalinata di Trinita dei Monti
Basilica di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

Foro Boario

Foro Romano
She sat in a street café to drink an Italian coffee; decided to have a new hairdo; visited the ‘Mouth of True’; rode a Vespa through busy Roman traffic and finally she found that fell in love with an American journalist.
Ponte Sisto bridge on Isola Tiberina

II Tempio di Adriano
These are beautiful moments that a royal princess could not and never had before but was finally able to enjoy the simple happiness as being an ordinary lady which she called herself: Ann. 
Spagna Square

More U-bikes than Vespas in Rome now

Street store

Audrey Hepburn, an iconic actress, has given the image of Rome a very romantic promotion. 
Piazza Navona

Bocca della Verita ('Mouth of True')
In the final plot of 'Roman Holiday', when the princess returned to her country’s embassy and was asked about which city was most impressive in her visiting journey in the press conference, she replied:

‘Rome, by all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live.’
Arco di Costantino

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So, I follow her steps in Rome in the film to pick up some pretty moments in my Winter escape, including the taste of ice cream named ‘Roman Holiday’ at the famous store: Golitti. 🍦
Giolitti Ice Cream (favours: 'Roman Holiday' with cinnamon, recommended by the staff)

Enjoy Pizza of course!

except for pizza and ice cream, don't forget to try olive and truffle




具有時代象徵性的女演員奧黛麗·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)為羅馬形象增添了浪漫色彩。當公主返回她的國家大使館並在新聞發布會上被問及哪個城市在她的訪問之旅中印象最深刻時,她回答:

因此,我跟隨她在影片中在羅馬的腳步,在冬天避寒之旅中度過了一段美好的時光,包括在著名的Golitti店品嚐名為’Roman Holiday’的冰淇淋。

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