Tuesday 30 June 2020

Stonehenge-like stone circle

Ipomoea nil, known as morning glory, like to grow in warmer summers and in the warmer more sheltered parts of the UK. If you see them blooming, it means summer.
This plant normally blooms continuously from early summer to early fall and there are many kinds of colours in the world. However, St Nicholas Fields, located in the green heart of York, has only the white-colour morning glories on its 24-acre site. 

In the Middle Ages, St Nicholas Fields was open fields and the monks from St. Nicholas Hospital used it to graze the cattle.

Later it was once York's rubbish tip but now it is home to a wide range of species, such as birds, butterflies, apples, and developing habitats including meadows and woodland. 

The most interesting part of St Nicholas Fields is a mysterious corner which looks like Stonehenge-like stone circles. I still remember by the time I visited Stonehenge, a lot of tourists queued to see them up close, and my friends were so busy taking photos for each other so that I did not really focus on the sacred moment of meeting with the magnificent stones. Nevertheless, this morning, a bit raining, when I was alone with this Stonehenge-like stone circle, an unexplainable mystery surrounds me. 

Actually, there are more than 1,300 lesser-known stone circles in the UK that are waiting to be explored. Check here to know more. 

photoed at St Nicholas Fields

photoed at St Nicholas Fields

像Stonehenge 的石陣
Ipomoea nil很多人稱為牽牛花,喜歡在溫暖的夏天和英國氣候較為溫暖的地區生長。如果看到它們盛開,就是意味著夏天到了。該植物通常從初夏到初秋連續開花,在世界上有許多種顏色。但是,位於約克綠色心臟的聖尼古拉斯田野(St Nicholas Fields)在其24英畝的土地上只有白色的牽牛花。




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