Sunday 26 July 2020

One day trip to Leeds after COVID-19

24 July 2020, the UK government demanded customers to wear a face covering before entering any shop and must keep it on until they leave. Face masks or face coverings in shops has become compulsory. 

There have been different voices for this governmental decision; hundreds of demonstrators once gathered at Hyde Park in central London to protest this policy, claiming that ‘Freedom of speech, choice and thought.’ However, some people think that wearing faces can protect oneself and others.  

To be or not to be is not a question. On 24 July 2020, from my morning bus to the train station, then form the train couch to the shopping mall in the city centre; the day England's shoppers put on their face coverings, my adventure to Leeds definitely became safer. 

Wearing a mask is a new fashion!

Pay attention to the new rules, what you should do and what you cannot to do

Only E-ticket available, there is no collecting your ticket at the desk.

Put your facial coverings even while waiting the train 

Only sit in the Green V place

Please walk to the right direction

Wearing facial masks or coverings before stepping into the shopping mall

You will be safer and have fun as usual 



對這項政府決定有些不同的聲音出來。數百名示威者曾經聚集在倫敦市中心的海德公園(Hyde Park)抗議這項政策,聲稱“言論,選擇和思想自由”。但是,有些人認為戴面罩可以保護自己和他人。

要不要作已不是個問題。 2020724日,從我的早上巴士到火車站,然後從火車車廂上走進市中心的購物中心;英格蘭的購物者戴上面罩的那一天,我去Leeds的冒險似乎變得更加安全了。


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