Sunday 16 August 2020

Renting a house in the UK: real-life experiences 🏠

🏡This is based on my true story.

In the past 15 days, I experienced a very challenging task, that is, seeking a decent accommodation for myself in York. Maybe for some in poor financial situation, 15 days are not that long, I am quite lucky to have enough budget to spend on the housing, but I am kindda picky in living environment, including the house itself, the location and surroundings. The most important thing that I consider is the space as we now stay at home more time after COVID-19. Living comfortably is very vital in everyday practices. 

This annoying and anxious experience started from the date which my current lease will be due in the mid-Sep. It was not the first time my looking for a place to live in the UK. But the first time was completely smoothly so that I did not perceive the difficulty of the housing market discrimination against a ‘migrant’ ‘student’. This disadvantage for me involves multi-level challenges.

First, being a student, your social class is quite low (actually is not regarded as an independent person), many landlords are not willing to rent their house to student. Many ads on the letting website put ‘NO CHILDREN, NO PETS, NO SMOKERS, NO STUDENTS’, which means children, pets, smokers, and students are not welcomed by the landlords. 

Second, even the landlord has the confidence with you—a student, it does not mean you are accepted by the agent. They are afraid that you might be the nightmare to the landlord or the troublemaker to the house. To deal with your case, the property company like Linley and Simpson ask you two questions: Are you—  

- A UK based guarantor: Someone who lives and is employed in the UK, earning a salary that is a minimum of 3 X the annual rent. 

- Payment of rent in advance: this means paying the rent for the tenancy up front and in full. i.e. 6 or 12 months in one payment prior to your move in. 

When applying a UK based guarantor, you heard of someone saying the school can help, so you emailed the school asking all the details, eventually, it only came with a business cooperation with another company, which asks you to pa 600+ more pounds a year to play this role. 

Oh, come on, under such a circumstance, I am of course happy to pay 6 months or 12 months in one payment. A bond with 5000 pounds only generates 36 pounds interests in Barclays Bank, I would not mind giving you 6 months instead of paying a ‘virtual’ guarantor, who is not necessary for me. 

Third, even you have a chance to view this property, someone might take the case before the long queue of viewing. If you message the agent, that is too late, there is always someone simply calling in and got the first place of viewing or even taking it without viewing, Hunters Estate Agents in York does things like that (2 bedroom flat to rent Winteringham House, Whitecross Gardens, York)! They even just promised that they will arrange a time of viewing for you, then in the following 30 minutes, they said someone already took this case without viewing. VERY Unfaithful!!! And no wonder that they are currently the biggest agent in York, which only favour and serve certain customers. They are like foxes or sneakers wanting to get the lion's share of the property market. 

I have had very painful and shocking experience of this, after that, I gradually got the tips, calling in to enquire first, whether this case allows a student to rent. And emphasizing that you are a PhD research student not an aged 18-25 young student. Calling instead of emailing, which takes a slower pace.  

Prepare some important reference at hand, such as the references from the ex-landlord, I am lucky to have one. She is more than a British beautiful landlady. Every time I show my weakness, she tells me how to be strong. Be Rock!! 

Without AXXXX, it is impossible for me to rent a decent place in the UK after searching for more than 100 properties (not exaggerated). Without AXXXX, I would not know that I can position myself as ‘a working professional’, which I myself feel quite good and is more acceptable by most of the UK property companies. To sum up, growth with pain and anxiety, though! 

Is this story only happened in York? 

(I successfully booked a viewing of this pretty apartment in the first place, but it has been taken after 30 minutes when I arrived there)





其次,即使房東也對您有信心-一個學生,這並不意味著您被仲介接受。他們擔心您可能是房東的噩夢,或是房屋的麻煩製造者。為了處理您的案件, Linley & Simpson等房地產公司向您提出兩個問題:您有()-  




哦,拜託,在這種情況下,我當然樂意一次付款6個月或12個月。 5000英鎊的債券只能在巴克萊銀行產生36英鎊的利息好嗎,我不介意給您6個月一次付款,而不是付給一個我不需要的“虛擬”擔保人。

第三,即使您有機會查看此房屋物件,也可能有人在漫長的排看隊列之前決定要此物件了。如果您向仲介發送消息,那為時已晚,總會有人簡單地打電話進去獲得能看屋的第一名,甚至根本就沒有看它就決定了,YORKHunters Estate Agents就是這樣做的(案例: 兩間臥室的公寓可以租借Winteringham House,約克懷特克羅斯花園)!他們甚至承諾會為您安排一次觀看時間,然後在接下來的30分鐘內,他們說有人已經收了這個案件而沒有觀看,還把物件改為不再有了。非常不忠實!!!難怪他們目前是約克最大的代理商,只會青睞某些客戶並為其提供服務。他們就像狐狸或鬼鬼祟祟卑鄙者,想要在房地產市場上佔據最大份額。 


準備一些重要的參考資料,例如前房東的參考資料,我很幸運能有一個參考資料。 她不僅僅是英國美麗的女房東。 每當我展示自己的弱點時,她都會告訴我如何堅強。 


Sunday 9 August 2020

Stockton on the Forest 🌲 a misleading Google map

Stockton on the Forest🌲

When I started to live in York, a local friend told me that why don’t you get a bike for yourself? There are many picturesque places near York, and a bike can take you there. I actually bought two used bikes before, unfortunately, I eventually lost them all. One was disappeared due to without locking the bike for one night, and in another case, it was stolen at the city centre because of a poor lock on it. 

Since COVID-19 imposed travel restrictions, if I learned there is a pretty field near York that I could reach without a car, I knew I had to go. 

There are also buses from York city centre to Stockton on the Forest, but you have to wear a facial mask, I chose to walk around 1 hour from my living place to there in a sunny day and enjoyed exploring some beautiful houses alongside my way. 

Interestingly, before I chose to visit Stockton on the Forest, I was expecting to see a forest and garden flowers because the photos shown on Google Map were so appealing.

(the photos above are found on Google Map when checking Stockton-on-the-Forest)

But when I arrived, I actually did not find any such places like that. And I asked the locals there, showing the photos on my smartphone, they told me that there was no place like that…One of them even told me that, 'here is Stockton on the Forest, there is no forest here.' 

However, go hiking in the early August, I got a lot of suntan, and I saw a group of sheep with different colours which I never saw in York before. Until right now, when writing the blog, I then started to notice that it was the ‘Breezy Knees Gardens’ photos being uploaded on ‘Stockton on the Forest’.

I guess I have to visit the garden another day. What have you discovered recently after lifting lockdown?  

Stockton on the Forest

當我開始住在約克時,一個當地朋友告訴我,為什麼不自己買一輛自行車? 約克(York)附近有很多風景如畫的地方,而自行車可以帶您到達那裡。 我實際上買了兩輛二手自行車,不幸的是,我最終把它們全部丟掉了。 其中一個失踪是因為一晚沒有鎖好自行車,而另一起案件是由於鎖不牢而在市中心被盜的。 


從約克市中心到Stockton on the Forest,也有巴士,但是您必須戴上口罩,我選擇在陽光明媚的日子從我的住處步行到那兒大約1小時,並喜歡沿著道路探索一些美麗的房屋。 

有趣的是,在我選擇參觀薩頓河畔森林之前,我期望看到森林和花園的花朵,因為Google地圖上顯示的照片非常吸引人。 但是當我到達時,我實際上沒有找到這樣的地方。 然後我問那裡的當地人,在我的智能手機上顯示照片,他們告訴我那裡沒有這樣的地方……其中一個甚至告訴我,這裡有森林的薩頓,這裡沒有森林。 ' 

無論如何, 8月到這裡,我曬黑了,還看到了一群以前從未在約克見過的不同顏色的綿羊。直到現在,在撰寫Blog時,我才注意到它是“ Breezy Knees Gardens”的照片被上傳到“ Forest on the Forest”. 


Saturday 1 August 2020

Celebrating Yorkshire Day – 1st August

Celebrating Yorkshire Day – 1st August.

On 1st August, Yorkshire is celebrating and promoting Yorkshire culture.Living in Yorkshire, you can decorate your home with bunting and flats on Yorkshire Day!

Although COVID-19 outbreak does affect daily lives, we still enjoy these days we stay in Yorkshire. Yorkshire, known as the County of York, is a historic county of Northern England and the largest in the United Kingdom.

Yorkshire are featured by many local products: popular Yorkshire pudding, Yorkshire Tea and Betty’s afternoon tea (more than 100-year-old), Kit Kat chocolate (more than 85-year-old) is made in York, Viking history, Lake district, York Minster, White rose, Harry Porter, the cobble-stoned shambles street, etc. These key features have been preserved well and have not been changed. 

This is also made in York
                                                        (Yorkie is also made in York)

Keep calm and drink a cuppa tea. We really don’t mind get back to the old days to enjoy York’s rich heritage. 

(I enjoy the lake district without going to Lake District)


慶祝約克郡日 81


儘管COVID-19疫情大爆發確實影響了日常生活,但這些日子以來我們仍然喜歡住在約克郡 約克郡被稱為約克郡,是英格蘭北部歷史悠久的郡縣,是英國最大的郡 


保持冷靜,喝一杯茶 我們真的不介意回到過去,享受約克豐富的文化遺產