Sunday 9 August 2020

Stockton on the Forest 🌲 a misleading Google map

Stockton on the Forest🌲

When I started to live in York, a local friend told me that why don’t you get a bike for yourself? There are many picturesque places near York, and a bike can take you there. I actually bought two used bikes before, unfortunately, I eventually lost them all. One was disappeared due to without locking the bike for one night, and in another case, it was stolen at the city centre because of a poor lock on it. 

Since COVID-19 imposed travel restrictions, if I learned there is a pretty field near York that I could reach without a car, I knew I had to go. 

There are also buses from York city centre to Stockton on the Forest, but you have to wear a facial mask, I chose to walk around 1 hour from my living place to there in a sunny day and enjoyed exploring some beautiful houses alongside my way. 

Interestingly, before I chose to visit Stockton on the Forest, I was expecting to see a forest and garden flowers because the photos shown on Google Map were so appealing.

(the photos above are found on Google Map when checking Stockton-on-the-Forest)

But when I arrived, I actually did not find any such places like that. And I asked the locals there, showing the photos on my smartphone, they told me that there was no place like that…One of them even told me that, 'here is Stockton on the Forest, there is no forest here.' 

However, go hiking in the early August, I got a lot of suntan, and I saw a group of sheep with different colours which I never saw in York before. Until right now, when writing the blog, I then started to notice that it was the ‘Breezy Knees Gardens’ photos being uploaded on ‘Stockton on the Forest’.

I guess I have to visit the garden another day. What have you discovered recently after lifting lockdown?  

Stockton on the Forest

當我開始住在約克時,一個當地朋友告訴我,為什麼不自己買一輛自行車? 約克(York)附近有很多風景如畫的地方,而自行車可以帶您到達那裡。 我實際上買了兩輛二手自行車,不幸的是,我最終把它們全部丟掉了。 其中一個失踪是因為一晚沒有鎖好自行車,而另一起案件是由於鎖不牢而在市中心被盜的。 


從約克市中心到Stockton on the Forest,也有巴士,但是您必須戴上口罩,我選擇在陽光明媚的日子從我的住處步行到那兒大約1小時,並喜歡沿著道路探索一些美麗的房屋。 

有趣的是,在我選擇參觀薩頓河畔森林之前,我期望看到森林和花園的花朵,因為Google地圖上顯示的照片非常吸引人。 但是當我到達時,我實際上沒有找到這樣的地方。 然後我問那裡的當地人,在我的智能手機上顯示照片,他們告訴我那裡沒有這樣的地方……其中一個甚至告訴我,這裡有森林的薩頓,這裡沒有森林。 ' 

無論如何, 8月到這裡,我曬黑了,還看到了一群以前從未在約克見過的不同顏色的綿羊。直到現在,在撰寫Blog時,我才注意到它是“ Breezy Knees Gardens”的照片被上傳到“ Forest on the Forest”. 


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