Monday 20 September 2021

All in the golden afternoon – Home to Alice (RHS)

🌻September is the month when you can see beautiful gardens and explore new places for outdoor fun. 

This British Summer’s theme is an imaginative one: 


ALICE ran across the green field after seeing a rabbit take a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and followed the rabbit popping down a large hole under the hedge.

Falling down to the hole, before Alice was another long passage, then turned the corner, and finally she found herself in a long hall.

The doors all around the hall are locked, to get out of the place, Alice needed the right key to open the door. However, either the locks were too large, or the key was too small. Finally, the door to another world has been opened by a golden key.

The passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw, Alice got out of the dark hall, and wander about among bright flowers and cool fountains.

 Thus grew the tale of Wonderland:
Thus slowly, one by one,
Its quaint events were hammered out –
And now the tale is done,
And home we steer, a merry crew,
Beneath the setting sun. 

– Lewis Carroll

Saturday 4 September 2021

The White Rabbit and the March Hare 🐇🐰– Alice Through the Looking Glass

🐰 Still, no one knows why the White Rabbit made Alice tumbling down a dangerous hole - the entry to a dream world. 

After strolling around the wonderland for a period of time, Alice is getting older, but sometimes, still vulnerable to the influence of the rabbit. The wonderland is covered by menacing unknown, the same nightmare from her girlhood seemed to happen again.

The Tea Party

Are coffee and friends perfect blend? 

White Rabbit: [hops up to Alice and hugs her arm] 

‘Alice! Thank goodness you're finally here!’

- Alice Through the Looking Glass


😳😵The White Rabbit is definitely not an ally. 

There is another crazy rabbit at the afternoon tea party - the March Hare.

A fake gentleman? 

March Hare: ‘See all the trouble you started?’

Alice: ‘But I didn't think...’

March Hare: ‘Ah, that's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk.’

- Alice Through the Looking Glass

If Alice wants to return to the reality, she has to display a streak of independence that could be more likely to rescue her from the mad place.


仍然,沒有人知道為什麼白兔會讓愛麗絲掉下一個危險的洞——夢想世界的入口。 在仙境裡閒逛了一段時間後,愛麗絲年紀越來越大,但有時,還是容易受到兔子的影響。 仙境被來勢洶洶的未知所覆蓋,她少女時代的噩夢似乎又一次發生了。 


白兔:[跳到愛麗絲身邊,擁抱她的手臂]‘愛麗絲! 謝天謝地,你終於來了! 

*白兔絕對不是盟友。 下午茶會上還有一隻瘋狂的兔子—三月兔。 



三月兔:‘啊,就是這樣。 如果你不思考,那麼你就不應該說話。 


Saturday 28 August 2021

Walking in forests - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)

9 August, Alice was on her way in search of wonderland (actually, she did not know she was already there).

The first time, she run into ‘the Hatter’ on the way of adventures, he seemed to begin their conversation with ‘nice trousers’. As a courtesy, Alice relied, ‘thank you’ but then she started to talk about how she felt empty today because she encountered no one all the way.

After that, Alice and Mr Hatter have had some small talk. Mr Hatter nicely answered all the questions about how to find Wonderland. Later, Alice told him, ‘very nice to chat with you’, and he replied that ‘I enjoyed chatting with you too. What exciting things are you doing this evening?’

Alice shared with him some stories about March Hare and her plans about going to Wonderland; Mr Hatter commented that, ‘… a little bit crazy’. (Mt Hatter simply forgot the truth – ‘We are all mad here’!)

Another day, they met again, Mr Hatter continued to ask Alice about ‘Did you have any adventures in Wonderland today?’ When the conversation ended, Mr Hatter said: ‘I will dream of walking in forests.

“in the gardens of memory, in the palace of dreams, that is where you and I shall meet”
 the mad hatter