Sunday 28 February 2021

Spring is on the way

As in most other places in the UK, spring visits Yorkshire in March. After winter, days get longer, and although snow sometimes falls as late as early spring. Yorkshire is getting warmer and signs of the season are popping up everywhere.

Yorkshirefolk are gradually getting their legs out, it is not because Boris Johnson has announced the government's roadmap to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions, but due to the sunny and flower blooms.

Tomorrow is the first day of March, Spring is on the way! 

與英國大多數其他地方一樣,春天在三月時到約克郡。 冬季過後,日子會變長,儘管雪有時會晚點在早春下, Yorkshire越來越暖了,到處都有春天到的跡象。

約克郡人正在逐漸出門,這不是因為Boris Johnson宣布了政府謹慎放寬封鎖限制的路計畫,而是由於陽光明媚和鮮花盛開。


Saturday 20 February 2021

Housing discrimination in the UK

The best intentions pave the way to Hell: housing problems in the UK

Why are most tenancy related fees banned by British government which dated back on 1 June 2019? These various fees were normally asked to pay for references, administration credit and immigration checks, renewing your tenancy when your fixed term contract ends. 

The good intention of policy change aims to protect the disadvantageous group—people without real estate in this wealthy society—from being deprived of their basic human right to have a decent place to live and provide an affordable approach for them in search of housing. 

As a result, the good intention turns into a bad result. As the agent hopes to gain profits from the landlord, they try to attract more than one person to view the house in one day, and then put them in a list for the landlord to consider who is the best candidate instead of first comes first serves. As such, students often get themselves into relatively undesirable places where are not on the lists of middle or working class (people with annual income). It seems that the only effortless choice for students is live in school or private-owned student accommodations. However, these housing rental prices are very likely to be as expensive as that of the properties not targeted for students. 

Potential tenants now have to compete for winning over the landlords’ hearts according to their values, making people like students more disadvantageous; what is worse is, in fact, students are asked to pay 6 months payment in one time before moving in with the same rental price as other groups. 

Ironically, when the money goes to the agent pocket, it actually origins from the tenants but not from the landlord, while the agent often forgets who their cash contributor is and only serves the landlord as the highness master. If the things go wrong, they often try to cover everything or strategically make the landlord as a bad guy to be their excuses to avoid losing their business. 

"The best intentions pave the way to Hell". Another example of the practice of governmental policy change.

Student voices on Facebook:





結果,好意變成壞結果。由於房仲希望從房東那裡獲得利潤,他們試圖在一天之內吸引一個以上的人來看房屋,然後將其列入房東的選單上,以讓其考慮誰是最佳候選人,而不是先到先服務 。因此,學生經常租到相對不好的地方,這些地方不在中產階級或工人階級(有年收入的人)的名單上。對於學生來說,唯一輕鬆的選擇似乎是住在學校或私人擁有的學生宿舍中。但是,這些房屋的租金價格很可能與非學生公寓的價格一樣昂貴。






Wednesday 10 February 2021

2021 Snowfall in York and across the UK

People in the UK have been experiencing heavy blizzards of snow in York, and across much of the UK since this Sunday.

York is not really buried under serious snowfall as drizzling and sunshine often come next to the snowfall; however, the snows is relatively more than the previous year. Friends living in Edinburgh even showed ice dropping yesterday on their Facebook.

The forecasters are now predicting freezing Siberian winds blowing in from Russia to the UK as a weather phenomenon similar to the Beast from the East of three years ago.

The weather in Britain is really changeable so that the ‘weather-talk’ has developed into a way of socialising with others. According to 2015 BBC survey, ‘many of the day-to-day conversations British people initiate about the weather, however, are more mundane. Comments like “cold, isn’t it?” don’t even particularly demand a full response; a grunt of agreement will suffice’.

This interesting finding is in line with the results investigated by the British social anthropologist Kate Fox.

2021 雪降約克及大部分英國地區 





這和英國社會人類學家凱特·福克斯(Kate Fox)的調查結果相同