Wednesday 10 February 2021

2021 Snowfall in York and across the UK

People in the UK have been experiencing heavy blizzards of snow in York, and across much of the UK since this Sunday.

York is not really buried under serious snowfall as drizzling and sunshine often come next to the snowfall; however, the snows is relatively more than the previous year. Friends living in Edinburgh even showed ice dropping yesterday on their Facebook.

The forecasters are now predicting freezing Siberian winds blowing in from Russia to the UK as a weather phenomenon similar to the Beast from the East of three years ago.

The weather in Britain is really changeable so that the ‘weather-talk’ has developed into a way of socialising with others. According to 2015 BBC survey, ‘many of the day-to-day conversations British people initiate about the weather, however, are more mundane. Comments like “cold, isn’t it?” don’t even particularly demand a full response; a grunt of agreement will suffice’.

This interesting finding is in line with the results investigated by the British social anthropologist Kate Fox.

2021 雪降約克及大部分英國地區 





這和英國社會人類學家凱特·福克斯(Kate Fox)的調查結果相同

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