Saturday 26 December 2015

Keep Pets, Keep Healthy

Had your proposal of keeping dogs or cats ever been rejected when you were a child? Many parents believe that having fuzzy pets is very likely to cause allergy to children, while some research shows that living in an over-hygiene environment for long time could decline the immune system. In fact, living with pets’ company leads to physically and mentally healthy lives.
He is a good worker!! photoed at Berlin City Centre, Germany.

I believe that dogs are born to be human’s good friends. Just see the movie Hachiko: A Dog's Story, I still remembered that a guy sitting next to me sadly cried for that at the theater. Basically, the characteristic of loyalty of a dog is absolutely an important virtue to support peoples’ feelings. Besides, taking care of pets helps us to feel needed and valuable at home.
Dogs also push owners do exercise regularly. Walking your dog, you both will have fun from outdoor fun and, it is even better that people sometimes stop by and have conversations related to pets with you. Consequently, you will enjoy socialization through pets-talk and somehow gain achievements from sharing knowledge and experience of taking care of pets.
Dogs love socially connected with each other.

Not only does owning pets reduce our anxiety and stress but also it brings us more energy while playing with them. Just see the photos that recall the days I went out with my pet—Lulu. I want to say, I do appreciate the companionship that Lulu offered, which heals my autism.
Unforgettable appreciation for your companionship, My Lulu 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

In the Heart of the Sea- A 2015 Movie You Must See

What types of movies touch your heart most? The fiction movies or the non-fiction ones? In some movies such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Jurassic Park, the scenarios are totally fabricated by the screenwriters. Others are based on real stories in our lives, which therefore easily capture people’s inner feelings. In the Heart of the Sea, a 2015 American movie, is an example of such a movie. Both the historical background and the possibility of the existence of the killer whale provide the evidence that “it is too many to be true” as the actor said in the film.

The biographical adventure movie In the Heart of the Sea describes a battle between the whalers and the giant whale. The idea was from the same-name non-fiction book written by Nathaniel Philbrick in 2000 and it inspired the tale of Moby-Dick. The background of this film traces back to the 1800s. At that time, lights or machine power was fueled by the whale oil; therefore, many companies recruit sailors to hunt the whales worldwide to make a big fortune.

Moreover, according to some researches, Orcas—one kind of the killer whales with aggressive predatory style—could prey on seals, sharks and even other whales. When the whalers hunt these giant marine animals, the fact is that they put themselves into hazardous circumstances. And unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge of the whales and poor equipment in early era, hunting for whales was absolutely risking their lives.

Can you believe that this guy could kill you without any mercy? @@

Wednesday 16 December 2015

A successful Indian businessman in Taiwan

When it comes to Indian, curry food is its first image for me.Though we all know Indian is a part of Asia, it seems that we neither know much of nor pay more attention to it. However, the BBC News “Global Indians” on 4 December, 2015, introduced a story of “The Indian businessman making it in Taiwan”, which provides us some information to realize why a Indian came to live and work here, and what barriers he has faced.

According to BBC, Mr. K L Sewani was born in Bombay, India and decided to leave his birthplace to develop his career later on. At that time, he said that India did not have many chances so that he moved to Taiwan in 1982. The reason why he chose to stay and set up the business in Taiwan is because Taiwan has efficiency, good engineers, components, abilities, etc. Mr. Sewani told BBC that he has sales of about 9.2 million pounds now. Besides, the electronic business has many branches around the world, including U.S., China and Bombay.

Mr. Sewani also mentioned about his life, family and struggle in Taiwan. It is pleased to hear that his family has lived with him for years since he moved to Taiwan; therefore, he is not lonely and sometimes he enjoys Indian traditional music and ceremonies at home, as seen in this video. In spite of that, life is never so easy living abroad. He recalled that language is one of the barriers for him to live in Taiwan, and the need of more finances is another challenge to make the business bigger.

In the end, no matter how difficult his life was before and how many challenges he will face in the future, I can feel that Mr. Sewani is satisfied to talk about his children, who were born in Taiwan and are growing up among Taiwan’s cultures. So who says you cannot have a big dream in such a small island.

(Photo by

Friday 11 December 2015

The Tsung-Yeh Art and Cultural Center Now and in the Past

The Tsung-Yeh Art and Cultural Center is a popular leisure spot located in Madou District,Tainan.It was around 4.3 hectares and was once the Meiji Sugar Manufacturing Company’s head office. However, two changes in the past decade have made the place even better to visit; that is, Japanese cultural festival and the cafe.
The Japanese Culture Festival held in every October is one thing that attracts non-residents to come. Because its Japanese-style buildings have been well preserved,the government now holds Japanese art exhibitions and cultural performances here, which appeal those have interests in Japanese culture to come to enjoy the atmosphere and also promote bilateral relationship between Tainan and Japan.
The environment of the Tsung-Yeh Art and Cultural Center is full of diverse ecological flora and fauna; therefore, the restoration plan has designed it as a place for everyone to explore the ecological surroundings and to experience the Japanese-style relics.

Today, When you take a walk and feel thirsty or tired in this place, the café with outdoor seating among trees and birds will welcome you. In addition, a cup of coffee or tea can be the best thing to round out the excursion, no need to mention that you will find the traditional Taiwan-Sugar popsicle sticks and ice cream being sold inside the store. 
See more information:(5min walk to my home)

Friday 4 December 2015

Immigrant Food Enriched Taiwan's Cuisine

After the Paris Terror Attack,I guess people might rethink whether it is the right decision to unconditionally receive immigrants without taking any of good or bad influence on our society into consideration.

While let's look at the bright side of it, some Vietnamese married immigrants have made their contributions to Taiwan such as taking care of the elderly or the ill at home instead of playing the role of housewives, and they bring their traditional cuisine into Taiwan. 

Not only can these immigrants relieve their homesickness while cooking home country food, but the exotic cuisine also enriches the diversity of multicultural lives in our community. 

French-style sandwich is brought into Vietnam during the French colonial era.