Wednesday 16 December 2015

A successful Indian businessman in Taiwan

When it comes to Indian, curry food is its first image for me.Though we all know Indian is a part of Asia, it seems that we neither know much of nor pay more attention to it. However, the BBC News “Global Indians” on 4 December, 2015, introduced a story of “The Indian businessman making it in Taiwan”, which provides us some information to realize why a Indian came to live and work here, and what barriers he has faced.

According to BBC, Mr. K L Sewani was born in Bombay, India and decided to leave his birthplace to develop his career later on. At that time, he said that India did not have many chances so that he moved to Taiwan in 1982. The reason why he chose to stay and set up the business in Taiwan is because Taiwan has efficiency, good engineers, components, abilities, etc. Mr. Sewani told BBC that he has sales of about 9.2 million pounds now. Besides, the electronic business has many branches around the world, including U.S., China and Bombay.

Mr. Sewani also mentioned about his life, family and struggle in Taiwan. It is pleased to hear that his family has lived with him for years since he moved to Taiwan; therefore, he is not lonely and sometimes he enjoys Indian traditional music and ceremonies at home, as seen in this video. In spite of that, life is never so easy living abroad. He recalled that language is one of the barriers for him to live in Taiwan, and the need of more finances is another challenge to make the business bigger.

In the end, no matter how difficult his life was before and how many challenges he will face in the future, I can feel that Mr. Sewani is satisfied to talk about his children, who were born in Taiwan and are growing up among Taiwan’s cultures. So who says you cannot have a big dream in such a small island.

(Photo by

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