Saturday 26 December 2015

Keep Pets, Keep Healthy

Had your proposal of keeping dogs or cats ever been rejected when you were a child? Many parents believe that having fuzzy pets is very likely to cause allergy to children, while some research shows that living in an over-hygiene environment for long time could decline the immune system. In fact, living with pets’ company leads to physically and mentally healthy lives.
He is a good worker!! photoed at Berlin City Centre, Germany.

I believe that dogs are born to be human’s good friends. Just see the movie Hachiko: A Dog's Story, I still remembered that a guy sitting next to me sadly cried for that at the theater. Basically, the characteristic of loyalty of a dog is absolutely an important virtue to support peoples’ feelings. Besides, taking care of pets helps us to feel needed and valuable at home.
Dogs also push owners do exercise regularly. Walking your dog, you both will have fun from outdoor fun and, it is even better that people sometimes stop by and have conversations related to pets with you. Consequently, you will enjoy socialization through pets-talk and somehow gain achievements from sharing knowledge and experience of taking care of pets.
Dogs love socially connected with each other.

Not only does owning pets reduce our anxiety and stress but also it brings us more energy while playing with them. Just see the photos that recall the days I went out with my pet—Lulu. I want to say, I do appreciate the companionship that Lulu offered, which heals my autism.
Unforgettable appreciation for your companionship, My Lulu 

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