Wednesday 28 September 2016

Food For Thought

According to Oxford Living Dictionary, “food for thought” is a phase which means “Something that warrants serious consideration.”  You can also see its definition on the free dictionary, “anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking”.
=值得思慮的事物, OR令人沈思或能啟發思考的事物

But for me, “food for thought” is also has its different meaning-- for energizing my brain power.
對我而言, “food for thought” 也是藉由食物活化腦力
Taste Chips— a traditional British savoury snack, digesting along with my long-list readings, while I stay in library.

Sardines are nutrimental little fish, “packed with calcium—3 ounces has the same amount as 8 ounces of milk.” Not so much sunshine here and worry about being blue? 
Just adding Sardines with your meal, “Sardines contain vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.”
Baby carrots (蘿蔔), a little round beetroot (甜菜根), and salad within it, which looks really colorful and fresh. 
This is definitely my comfort food! 

Friday 16 September 2016

The Freshers Week at Sussex

The Freshers Week

It is the first week at campus, namely, “freshers week”, Student Union surely holds a series of events to welcome all the new comers. I lived in off-campus accommodation, there is about 20 minutes bus distance to campus; therefore, I only choose something essential to attend.

The only place to see a bunch of flowers at campus

Explore the location of all the buildings on campus
It is always important, if you don’t want to be late to the classroom after one week.
this is what I major at this school, sounds cool, right?
Find out where I can loan the books-Library
I am a library fan and have collected the world Top 100 libraries information hoping to visit some in the future. I firstly explored the school library by my own, then I joined a library introduction tour which is about 30-minute to realize how to work its every function: open space, bookstore inside, café, group discussion room and toilets…also, there are special places for phone users and many computers available.



This is a new vocabulary to me, probably I never ever notice this kind of animal. The official student weekly newspaper of Sussex’s Student Union uses the ” BADGER” to be its title, it is fun to know this new word. 

Tackle all the processes

Being an international student, you will need to get your BRP (Biometric Residence Permit) from your school within 10 days of arrival, then open a UK student account (Santander and Barclays are served for you on campus especially during this week)   apply a student discount card (so-called NUS card, 12 pounds/one year, discounts in shopping many stores), a Bus Key Card and apply a National Rail Train Card online…after tackling all this, you will feel relieved a bit.( I am exhausted, actually!)

And doesn’t worry about you will get lost, you are just as the same as the other freshers, the Student Union arranges many volunteers on campus for helping you get things done.

Saturday 10 September 2016

New Life in Brighton, UK

After 13-hour long flight, I finally arrived the UK. The time difference is 7 hours in summer, 8 hours in winter between Taiwan and UK; therefore, I didn’t sleep well and of course am suffering from jetlag. 

About the place I live, I apply an En-suite room on-campus, but the school only allocated me a standard student room off-campus (well, I definitely not a standard student, I am mature and professional student) so what can I do? The only way so far is trying to swap the room next week. But let me show you my place first:

The toilet is leaking after I used…and my key is jammed in the keyhole!! I am the first one moving into the house, so I have to quickly report the Headlease Property (the off-campus housing service office from Sussex). And the staff come to check that in one hour(thank God!) Another man came to fix the toilet later, he is very nice, humorous and handy, I told him, "you are my hero today!". Thank you, sir!

Well, downstairs is the kitchen, one of the wood chair is broken and the oven seems to be broken...or just don't know how to operate it. Later we will see if I report the problem again!!

So, this is what I did today—my first call in the UK is asking for fixing the house!!!  The only one thing maybe a real surprise is A Gift box from the school. 

Time to sleep!!!