Saturday 10 September 2016

New Life in Brighton, UK

After 13-hour long flight, I finally arrived the UK. The time difference is 7 hours in summer, 8 hours in winter between Taiwan and UK; therefore, I didn’t sleep well and of course am suffering from jetlag. 

About the place I live, I apply an En-suite room on-campus, but the school only allocated me a standard student room off-campus (well, I definitely not a standard student, I am mature and professional student) so what can I do? The only way so far is trying to swap the room next week. But let me show you my place first:

The toilet is leaking after I used…and my key is jammed in the keyhole!! I am the first one moving into the house, so I have to quickly report the Headlease Property (the off-campus housing service office from Sussex). And the staff come to check that in one hour(thank God!) Another man came to fix the toilet later, he is very nice, humorous and handy, I told him, "you are my hero today!". Thank you, sir!

Well, downstairs is the kitchen, one of the wood chair is broken and the oven seems to be broken...or just don't know how to operate it. Later we will see if I report the problem again!!

So, this is what I did today—my first call in the UK is asking for fixing the house!!!  The only one thing maybe a real surprise is A Gift box from the school. 

Time to sleep!!!

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