Sunday 18 December 2016

Merry X’mas Special in London

Merry Christmas!  
The capital of the UK - London is celebrating the wonderful Christmas season. 
the left spots are the rain drops on my camera!!

It is always easy to travel here. London’s tube lines are categorized by colours, and I love ducking in the undergrounds to travel to every corner in the city. Zone 1 and Zone 2 are the most popular areas: from Piccadilly Circus, Westminster, Covent Garden, Oxford Circus, Leicester square, South Kensington, to Tower Hill, are where all the Christmas lights photos I took! 

Covent Garden's Apple Market is full of Christmas joy, people come for gadgets or trinkets, drinks, food, shopping, or just hanging around. 

National History Museum has opened the Ice Rink  for everyone to skate with pop music, next to it, the merry-go-round shining in the dark, really makes the museum come alive!

And of course, never miss Tower Bridge at night, although it is currently maintaining parts of its structures (I walked through on it), it still looks magnificently standing along the Thames river and up to the sky.

Just follow the tube map, it leads you to discover London's annual Christmas extravaganza! Besides, this time I hosteled in North Greenwich, where I ate the most delicious fried chicken at midnight made by an Indian. I hope revisit it again!
London Eye

Here is a very useful London Map website, including hotels, restaurants, tours and attractions, etc.

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