Sunday 4 December 2016

Rottingdean Special - The Smugglers

Rottingdean Special - The Smugglers
Walking is one of the best ways to know the surroundings you live. And that is why I become the “Guided Walking Tours in Brighton and Sussex” member.

This local walking club is led by Nick Richmond, who guides us to stroll around specific spots in Brighton and Sussex with plentiful, various and historical stories or legends. It is also a good way to meet up with local people and engage in community life.
Nick is the right one with a black hat

This afternoon, we 40 members met up at “White Horse” (it is a hotel actually) to explore Rottingdean Special —The Smugglers.  I took no.27 bus from Brighton centre to Rottingdean, it only 15-minute bus distance along Marine Parade road, then you can reach the quaint village by the sea.

Every December, Rottingdean residents celebrate their dark smuggling past with a festival. Under Nick’s guided walk and storytelling, we stepped into the unique smuggling history and paced to the seaside. After that, we visited an old church inside the village which add more mysteries.

Yes, living by the seaside village is a favourable opportunity for pirates! Tonight, local stores hung skull flags on the front, a forged pirate ship are there, people dressed in pirate and sailor clothes and glow sticks are sold on the streets.

These two photos are shared by our member Sarah

In the end of the walk, I stopped to listen street music and it is quite fun to enjoy a winter stroll in the dark evening.
Music on High Street

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