Thursday 16 February 2017

Graveyard Exploration *_*

The Victorian era (1837-1901) can be seen as the world's superpower in British history. Its glory inevitably reflected on how people arranged their funeral and how they decorated their graveyards.

It was once the guardroom of the graveyard. 
Woodvale Crematorium and Cemetery ‘set in a shallow valley, winding paths overshadow huge family vaults and ancient trees lead to beautiful neo-gothic chapels.’ described by Nick (the tour guide). 

In the past, many Brighton celebrities were buried here after they died, including Reverends Arthur and Henry Wagner, Aliester Crowley, etc. Walking inside the graveyard with around 20 persons in the daylight encourages me to move every step further.

I have never visited and roamed around the ‘graveyard’. The reason is in part due to the horror movie: ‘Pet Semetary(電影:寵物墳場)’ written by Stephen King. Another reason is it could be criticised as an immoral behaviour in Taiwan for disturbing the dead.

However, when we regard it as a way of historical understanding, it suddenly becomes very meaningful. Also, the UK graveyard is not so scary for its garden-stylish design.

About 2:30 pm, we started to go inside and we ‘gravely’ read some significant or unique tombs and carefully listened to intriguing stories about them.

At that time, the grave design has been influenced by Egyptian and Roman styles.

The Egyptian pyramid is a sign of the infinity of life. If one cannot afford a big and tall Egyptian-style tower, he/she may consider a smaller one. 

small but still symbolize the infinity 
This tomb is a legacy from a scientist trying to educate the folk and passing on his knowledge.

Many delicate statues are imported from Italy (Roman style) and gradually ruined by the weather after years. The angel statue poses as 'one hand point to the sky, another hand point at the ground', which means 'please follow the right way from here to heaven.'
The anchor put on a tomb shows that the dead can safely rest on the ground and all the wishes deeply root into the dead.

Some rich people buried in the relatively high hill with a nice view (kind of universal in many countries), such as the highest and the biggest one here - he is a famous architect before who devoted to building bridges.

Also, rich family members could bury altogehther and have their own ‘domain’ with a lock on it;
or put a symbolic logo or material (such as a horse) to be their beautiful life-long memory.
Finally, thanks for letting us visit your solemn 'houses', and understanding the stories about this land.
Flowers for respect all of you.
Without you, this blog cannot be completed, and thank you, Nick, to guide us and told us so many stories behind the scene. 

墓地探索* _ *



從來沒有參觀過,在“墓地”周圍遊蕩。原因部分是歸因於恐怖電影:由斯蒂芬金寫的“寵物墳場”(Pet Semetary)。另一個原因是如在台灣它可能會被批評是擾亂死者的不道德行為。








一些有錢人埋葬在相對較高的山上,有著美麗的景色(這在許多國家都是很普遍的),例如這裡最高和最大的人 - 他是一位致力於修建橋樑的著名建築師。




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