Sunday 15 April 2018

Leeds, West Yorkshire

Living in York, sometimes you forget what a city life is. There is no big shopping mall and almost no traffic lights in the city centre. Even Starbucks has a traditional logo on it. To reduce worrying about being forgotten by the society, the fast way to bring you back to a city life is taking the 30-minute train to another city—Leeds, West Yorkshire.   

If you check ‘Things to do in Leeds’, ‘Top sights’ or ‘Attractions in Leeds’, Royal Armouries Museum is always on the top list.
As its name, it is a national museum which houses the National Collection of Arms and Armour. 

Although Royal Armouries Museum is not as big as I think, it is absolutely a great place for education. The museum arranges many programs and shows for kids during exhibitions. 
Another iconic building is ‘County Arcade’ which is featured by its gorgeous building with a huge stained glass roof and is exceptionally photogenic.

In fact, there are many arcades in Trinity Leeds area —a great place for shopping— and if you ask local people which one is ‘County Arcade’, they seem hard to distinguish it from all of the kinds (yes, I have tried to ask about 10 people). 

One specific building that is not on the top list but I really appreciate is Leeds Corn Exchange. The place once opened for trade in 1990 and today many speciality shops still run their business there.
You can duck into this building (the entrance is not so easy to find!!) and sip a cup of tea or coffee in a nostalgic and charming environment to avoid the crowd. Most interestingly, it has a historical outlook with the Victorian interior design built in 1864, while its website is very modern on the internet. 

By the way, Leeds Art Gallery and Leeds City museum are together next to Leeds City Hall, all of these places mentioned above are free to access and within easy reach from Leeds train station. Good! 

Leeds  西約克 城市生活
住在約克,有時你忘記了什麼是城市生活。市中心沒有大型購物中心,幾乎沒有交通號誌燈。即使星巴克也有一個傳統的標誌。為了減少被社會遺忘的擔憂,快速回到城市生活的方法是乘坐30分鐘的火車到另一個城市 - 西約克郡的利茲市。


另一個標誌性的建築是“縣長廊商場”,它的華麗建築擁有巨大的彩色玻璃屋頂,並且是非常上相的。事實上,Trinity Leeds地區這是一個購物的好地方 - 有很多拱廊如果你問當地人哪一個是“縣長廊商場”,他們似乎很難在所有種類中區分出來(是的,我曾嘗試過問約10人)。

一個不在排行榜上的特定建築,但我非常欣賞的是--利茲穀物交易所。 1990年曾經啟用來作貿易的地方,今天許多專賣店仍然在那裡經營業務。你可以進入這個建築(入口不容易找到!!),並在懷舊迷人的環境中啜飲一杯茶或咖啡,以避免人群。最有趣的是,它具有建於1864年的維多利亞式建築設計的歷史風貌,而其網站卻是非常現代喲。


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