Sunday 29 April 2018

2018 Whitby Goth Weekend (WGW), Whitby, North Yorkshire

Attending WhitbyGoth Weekend, a biannual festival in Whitby, North Yorkshire, is one of the most interesting experience while living in Yorkshire.

To witness this British Cosplay Show, this weekend I took a 2.5-hour bus journey to there and returned to York by 3-hour train. What I want is having a look at this traditional costume play (Cosplayコスプレ kosupure) since 1994.

Why Dracula’s cosplay takes place in the seaside town of Whitby? According to English Heritage, 'Whitby’s windswept headland, the dramatic abbey ruins, a church surrounded by swooping bats, and a long association with jet – a semi-precious stone used in mourning jewellery – gave a homegrown taste of such thrilling horrors'. 

No wonder, when Bram Stoker’s visited to the harbour town of Whitby on the Yorkshire coast in 1890, he was inspired by the atmospheric locations to create his Gothic novel – a famous vampire –Dracula. (HOW DRACULA CAMETO WHITBY)

In 1994, Whitby Goth Weekend was founded by Jo Hampshire and starting with a meeting of Jo Hampshire’s pen-pals. Hampshire thinks that Whitby was chosen for the setting of Dracula—the fictional vampire in a gothic horror novel by Bram Stoker—and such a unique connection had become part of local cultures and businesses. As a result, many fans from all over the UK flock to Whitby every year to spend the Goth Weekend. 

Although the main event includes the Bizarre Bazaar 'Goth Market' in the daytime and a popular live Goth music concert at night, the highlight of this biggest weekend is people flock to the town in fancy dress, making the harbour town very colourful and spectacle. The brilliant Goth outfits different themes, including Victorian style, steam punk, film adaptation and a tantalising twist on the traditional fairy tale. 

Walking from the seaside, Whitby Swing bridge, and up to Whitby Abbey and the hill, then turn to the Whalebone Arch and down to the town centre…here are some highlights of photos! Enjoy! 


The boat shipping Draculas is coming......

英國人的角色扮演秀: 惠特比哥特週末(WGW),惠特比,北約克郡


為什麼吸血特德庫拉的角色扮演發生在海濱小鎮惠特比?據英國遺產報導,“惠特比風吹草原的岬角,戲劇性的修道院遺址,被蝙蝠擊倒的教堂,以及長期相關的黑玉 - 用於悼念珠寶的半寶石 - 給人一種如此驚心動魄的恐怖的地方味道。難怪布拉姆斯托克在1890年訪問約克郡海岸的海港城鎮惠特比時,受到此一地點氛圍的啟發,創作了他的哥特小說 - 著名的吸血鬼 - 德拉庫拉。
(為什麼德古拉會到惠比特來: http//

1994年,惠特比哥特週末由Jo Hampshire創立,並以Jo Hampshire的筆友會開始。Hampshire認為,惠特比被選為德拉庫拉(Dracula - 布拉姆斯托克哥特式恐怖小說中的虛構吸血鬼 - 這種獨特的聯繫已成為當地文化和商業的一部分。因此,來自英國各地的許多粉絲每年都會去惠特比度過哥特週末。

儘管主要活動包括白天的Bizarre Bazaar'Goth Market'以及晚間流行的現場Goth音樂演唱會,但這個最大的周末亮點是人們湧向城市,穿著奇裝異服,讓這座港口城鎮變得絢麗多姿。輝煌的哥特裝扮有著不同的主題,包括維多利亞風格,龐克,電影改編和對傳統童話的誘人轉型角色。

從海邊步行,惠特比(WhitbySwing橋,惠特比修道院(Whitby Abbey)和小山,然後轉到鯨魚拱門(Whalebone Arch),然後到鎮中心......這裡有一些照片的亮點!這裡有一些照片的亮點!請欣賞!

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