Tuesday 19 June 2018

Enjoy British Summer in York

York City is well known about its medieval style from ancient city walls to black stone roads. Although there are not so many famous parks and gardens as those in South England, many local people maintain their house gardens with beautiful flowers, as well as visit two main attracting places to enjoy their summer flowers in sunny days:

Rowntree Park
It is opened by local entrepreneur and philanthropist Joseph Rowntree.
Near the city centre, it offers different areas where people play sports and picnicking.

Featured by a large lake in the centre, this park is home to many ducks, swans, and geese. 

If you visit the park, take your time to have a tea in the tearoom by the lake.

In fact, it is a small library as well, so you can image you drink a cup of tea with a slice of cake reading free newspapers and interesting books in the lovely afternoon.  

Flowers booming in Rowntree Park: 

York Museum Gardens
Located within the city centre, York Museum Garden is one of the key tourist attractions in York city.

The award-winning museum has a beautiful backyard where hosts the vast botanical collection and wildlife with many species of bird.  

More interestingly, it is a place in the city centre that you can bring with your lunch boxes, find your own corner, and sit down to feel you are part of this big zoo. 


它是由當地企業家和慈善家Joseph Rowntree開設的。在市中心附近,它提供了人們不同運動和野餐的區域。這個公園以擁有位於市中心旁一個大湖為特色,擁有許多鴨子,天鵝和鵝。



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