Friday 1 June 2018

National Railway Museum in the UK

The railway system in Great Britain is known as the oldest in the world and has its prominent role in developing the local economy and bringing tourists from all over the world to travel within cities. The intensive railway networks privatized between 1994 and 1997 nowadays are operated by different companies. 

Does British Rail system always punctual? When I lived in Brighton, Southern rail seemed often strike (><). Besides, according to BBC report (2017), ‘the Office of Rail and Road said 12.3% of trains - nearly one in eight - were not on time last year.’ What if a delay of 30 minutes or more was made to your train journey? Luckily, you can claim for a delayed compensation to reduce complaints. 

Many ancient British trains, glinting brightly without any rusting metal appearances, display gracefully in National Railway Museum for providing people with a good chance to recall the past days. 

National Railway Museum is one of the most popular attractions at York. Every weekend, there are many families coming to visit the place where many antique trains were honourably retired from duty and well maintained to tell their glory history.

There are also some memorable trains that originated from Japan and Switzerland. Each of them was designed for different transportation purposes, such as travelling or medical and represents as a sophisticated masterpiece of design in industrial technology.

While the train is the simplest, most convenient and cost-effective way to travel from one city to another in the UK (also in Europe), the train fares have risen since 2011 and could be notoriously expensive. To find cheap tickets, there are some tips suggested by the Telegraph (2018).

I still remember a post on a bus, saying 'only the fool will pay double price for the same item' So Let’s be smart! Book your journey earlier and reduce the travelling cost.


英國的鐵路系統被稱為世界上最古老的鐵路系統,它在發展當地經濟以及提供來自世界各地的遊客在城市內旅行方面發揮著顯著的作用。 1994年至1997年期間私營化的密集鐵路網絡,現在由不同公司營運。

英國鐵路系統總是守時嗎?當我住在布賴頓時,南線鐵路似乎經常發生罷工(哈哈)。此外,根據英國廣播公司(BBC)的報告(2017年),“鐵路和公路總局表示12.3%的火車 - 接近八分之一 - 去年沒有及時到達。”如果延遲30分鐘或更長時間旅程怎麼辦?幸運的是,您可以要求延遲賠償來減少埋怨。






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