Saturday 20 October 2018

2018 Japanese Cultural Festival: 'Nebuta Festival’ 日本東北青森睡魔祭

Except for Miaki Kageyama’s Jewelry Exhibition (see my last blog), which is held from 13 Oct to the end of this year; ‘Nebuta Festival’—the Summer Festival in Aomori Prefecture is also taking place in Tainan as part of 2018 Japanese Cultural Exchange. 

When it comes to Aomori Prefecture, the first iconic thing for me is the apple. I still remembered my late grandmother always bought me expensive Japanese apples when I got sick in my childhood. And Tohoku Aomori Hirosaki is well known and proud of its rich production of apples. 

Hirosaki's lucky animal
The location of Aomori Prefecture is in east- northern Japan, its geographic character is unique that the land is surrounded by sea on the three sides, and has Hakkoda Mountains in the middle. Similar to Kyoto, Tohoku Aomori Hirosaki has not been influenced by the Second World War so that it remains seasonal festivals every year. Nebuta Festival is one of the attractive cultural events in summer.

The Aomori Nebuta Festival has been regarded as an important intangible Folk Cultural Heritage in Japan since 1980. According to the Japanese official website, Aomori Nebuta Festival is originated from the Tanabata festival that its root is believed from China. Nebuta is something like the lantern, the original purpose of Japanese Nebuta Festival is to pray for children’s peace and growth. Afterward, it has developed into an annual cultural event that everyone can participate in.  

Every August, many visitors coming from all over Japan and abroad head for Aomori to enjoy this annual event. During the festival, dynamic nebutas and colourful lantern floats parade in the citycentre, and colorfully dressed Nebuta dancers (called ‘haneto’) perform kabuki or mythical stories. At night, the nebutas are placed in boats with celebrating fireworks around the Bay.  

Although this cultural exchange only presents part of the event items, and the famous Aomori apples and noodles are not on the exhibition lists; it is quite interesting and new to me and many locals.

Unsurprisingly, the opening day on 13 Oct has attracted many people to come to experience and enjoy Japanese music and folk dances, pretty costumes, and on-site Nebuta painting. 

Through this event, having wishes for peace and happiness to everyone.

除了1013日至今年年底舉辦的Miaki Kageyama珠寶展(見上一篇文章)外,“Nebuta Festival” - 青森縣的夏日睡魔祭,也是台南2018日本文化交流系列活動的一部分。

說到青森縣,對我來說第一個標誌性的東西就是蘋果。我還記得當我童年生病時,我逝去的祖母總是為我買昂貴的日本蘋果。 而青森弘前市就是以其豐富的蘋果產量而聞名且引以為傲。

青森縣位於日本東北部,地理特徵是獨特的,它三面環海,中間有Hakkoda山岳。與京都相似,東北青森弘前並未受到第二次世界大戰的影響,因此每年都有舉辦季節性節慶活動。 Nebuta Festival夏日睡魔祭是在夏日具有吸引力的文化活動之一。





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