Sunday 14 October 2018

Kimiaki Kageyama Jewelry Exhibition in Tainan: Fragments of Time

Japanese Master Goldsmith Kimiaki Kageyama had a solo exhibition: STILL FLOWERS  at Gallery S O LONDON in 2017. As Kimiaki Kageyama was a visiting scholar in Tainan National University of the Arts before; this October, he came back to Tainan to host an exhibition in Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Centre to share his creative ideas and art works with his students and local people. 

Living in ふじさん Fujisan, Kimiaki Kageyama 影山公章, a famous Japanese professor and modern artist, is good at making the best of natural materials to create jewelry accessories. His unique skill is featured by designing and making of women accessories by the combination of fragmentary painting pieces falling from shrines with jewelry such as 18K gold and pearls.

He believes that jewelry is the ‘body of ornament’ by such a way we communicate with other people, the society and nature. Therefore, the jewelry works as a switchboard that can express the inner self of a person and the world outside. 

The theme of the exhibition is ‘Jewelry in which the Spirit of God Dwells’, which expresses that a person’s life is so fragile in the natural life circulation, and the human only play a very tiny role in such as an infinite time flow. The designer wishes to seize the moment by reflecting the eternity on a small piece of work. 

Moreover, he also injects humanness and sentiments into artistic work; for example, the original idea of the series of work: ‘Rose’ to show his appreciation and friendship to his nice neighbour Miss 純子.  

Kimiaki Kageyama珠寶展:時間片段
日本金匠Goldsmith Kimiaki Kageyama曾於2017年在GALLERY S O LONDON舉辦個展:STILL FLOWERS

Kimiaki Kageyama之前是台南國立藝術大學的訪問學者;今年10月,他回到台南,在總爺藝文中心舉辦展覽,與學生和當地人分享他的創意和藝術作品。

居住在富士山的Kimiaki Kageyama影山公章,是日本著名教授和現代藝術家,善長用天然材料製作珠寶配飾。他的獨特技藝是通過從神龕中落下的碎片與18K金和珍珠等珠寶相結合,設計和製作女性配飾.




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